Determining 8 Equidistant Points On A Sphere.


This problem is equivalent to determining the vertices of the inscribed cube, a solid figure with 6 face surfaces and 8 vertices.  See Figure 1.


Locate the two “top” and “bottom” points as above.


The length of a side of the cube is:


where R is the radius of the sphere


The radius of a sphere inscribed in the cube is:


The distance from the top of the given sphere to a vertex on the cube is:






            For a 50mm diameter sphere, the above are a = 29mm, r = 14.5mm and l = 23mm

            For a 62mm diameter sphere, the above are a = 36mm, r = 18mm and l = 28mm.


            Set a compass to l above.


Place the point of the compass on the “top” point of the sphere and draw a circle with the above radius l.


Place the point of the compass on the “bottom” point of the sphere and draw a circle with the above radius l.


The intersections of these circles with the great circles which mark the top and bottom points will mark the 8 equidistant points, the vertices of the inscribed cube.