Test It Tuesday – Patch Perfect Grass Seed

It’s a never-ending battle: trying to grow grass where none will grow. Wouldn’t it be great if we could find seed that would not only grow quickly, but also be thick and rich? The answer may be “Patch Perfect”.

That’s according to the makers of this self-proclaimed “grass seed on steroids.” It promises thicker and healthier lawns than your average grass seed and says its so powerful that it can even grow grass … on a brick!

You know we had to accept that challenge.

Our tester this week was Rosetta Coco of Mount Lebanon who’s looking for a solution to her backyard quandary: a dog who has run a dirt path right into the backyard. She’s tried everything and hopes “Patch Perfect” is the answer. We planted it along with normal grass seed in a space in the yard. We also put some of the seed on concrete.

Our test lasted three weeks which mean both seeds got plenty of rain. The result? Patch Perfect does deliver green grass but surprisingly not as green and thick as the regular grass seed. It also does not grow on the brick – at all. However, the kicker is this: it costs twice as much as the regular seed we used.

It’s a pricey bag of seed and while it does deliver, in this age of saving money and high prices, it’s not worth double the price. What was worth the price of admission? Watching Rosetta’s dog Ruby run circles around the backyard and create this dirt path. Rosetta’s answer to Ruby’s reign of terror? A mix of soil, seed and regular grass seed. Here’s hoping that will do the trick and save the backyard!




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