First, the really great news. We are going home to Germany TODAY!! Goodbye Taiwan. Goodbye hotel room. Goodbye eating every meal in a restaurant. (Trust me, it does get old.) And goodbye Thirty Voices?

They say that all good things must come to an end, and I suppose it’s true. After all, we all grow and change, things are always in a constant state of flux making it impossible to realistically remain the same for always and forever. But I like to think that because of this perpetual forward motion that things simply grow into other things.

For example, myself. I am a woman, married to a German who relocated to Germany after living in Taiwan and briefly in Hong Kong. During my travels I found a creative outlet in writing stories about my travels in order to keep in touch with friends and family. Sure I’ve written beautifully for college and have always been relatively creative, but I honestly had never enjoyed writing as a hobby, a potential source of income waiting to be tapped, or saw my writing as something anyone else would want to read. That all has changed drastically.

Then I was introduced to Thirty Voices. I learned that there were other women “out there” like me, with the same worries, thoughts and dreams. I was inspired by every one of the women that wrote; pursuing dreams, taking chances, trying something new. So I got really brave and shared some very personal stories, which in turn helped me heal and find the strength to re-invent myself yet again. Ultimately, being a part of this has helped that little writing seed take off and become this beautiful flower. So I must say thank you, to each and every one of you for the inspiration and courage you have provided. I must also say a special thank you to Stacy and Clare for creating Thirty Voices, and to Amanda for the introduction.

I cannot wait to buy the book and read the story about sailing around the world. I cannot help but wonder if the chocolate in Minsk is as good as it is in Germany. I can’t wait to hear all the sappy stories from the upcoming wedding. I can’t think about Thailand anymore without wondering how a certain family is getting along. I wonder what shade of red someone has dyed her hair. I wonder if…

So, I WILL be seeing you in all those old familiar places. If you wish to keep up with me you can find me at:

Until we meet again!

Amy, 34, And finally going home to Germany!!