On Breathing

Here is a simple practical exercise you can use to feel the power of the Force.

This is much easier to teach in person but I will put in as much description as possible. The object of this exercise is to generate heat using the Force. First you should stand (or sit if you are unable to stand) assume the golfers stance. As a golfer addresses the ball. Feet placed shoulder width apart, toes pointed forward, as natural as possible. Keep your back and neck straight but relaxed.

Now bring your hands in front of you and form a diamond shape between your thumbs and fore fingers. As a mime against a wall, face your palms away from you. This is your focus position, now we breathe. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Relaxed and natural. Relaxed.

Now, focus on the energy flowing with your breaths. You are breathing in energy from the Force around you, and as you breathe out you are channelling that energy through your arms to the centre of that diamond shape your hands are making.

Feel the Force flowing through you and to your palms. See in your mind, a ball of light or fire cupped in your palms. Each time you breathe out the heat increases to a gentle warmth.

We have tried this exercise with three or four students in a circle concentrating on the centre. We have never failed to feel the heat generated by the Force. With practice it gets easier and stronger.

You can use this heat for healing.

The heat is actually the energy of the Force. If you generate the heat in your palms then touch say a painful part of the body, you can focus on healing that part. I use it to relaxed tensed muscle groups. It's particularly good for female monthly tensions. I have also used it on headaches.

So far I have only been able to use it to heal or relax others, not myself. If you have success with self-healing, let me know, please.

As well as generating positive energy, we can remove negative energy. We use the breathing for this purpose. Remember, when we breathe in the Force and when we breathe out we focus the Force. You can also breathe in the negative and as we breathe out, we cast the negative away.

Place your hands on an afflicted part of a person, say a headache. As you breathe in deeply, feel the negative coming out of the person. At the same time you draw your hands away, catching the negative energy in your hands. Now throw away the negative as you breathe out sharply.

Careful where you throw that negative stuff, it can be inadvertently cast at another person with unpleasant results. I'm talking from the receiving end folks.

Send me any suggestions on how I can better explain this procedure or you can ask questions if you want more definition.