How to use the Force

The Force is all around us, in every living thing and we all share the same connection with the Force. In this way all consciousness is interconnected through the Force and tuning into that energy is like tapping the wisdom of the ages. The best way to receive the guidance of the Force is to first open your mind.

Every time you go to make a decision, whether it be one or two sugars or whether or not to leave your home in the morning, you are able to receive guidance from the Force. Here's an exercise to use; I'll ask a simple question, what I want you to do is take the first thing that comes to your mind. Don't think about it, don't ponder or guess. Just take the very first thought. Ready, “what's your favourite colour?”

The answer you got was given by the power of the Force. Even if you wouldn't have normally answered that way, it is what the Force knows to be correct. The same method can be used for every decision you make every day. The Force will guide your every action. This is what it means to ‘Be mindful of the living Force'. To live each moment and to live ‘in' each moment.

Others call this ‘intuitive decision making', where the intuition is actually the subconscious or higher mind. But I believe that the higher mind is directly connected to the Force and therefore, the collected wisdom of all living things.

Of course if you are guided to commit a crime you must assume that this is a message from the dark side and you should enter meditation to work things out. Generally the Force is concerned with our health and safety so it is unusual to be misguided by its influence. Sometimes, however, we are overwhelmed by emotion or misplaced concern for the future. This results in unhealthy decisions. That's why it is important to ‘not ponder' but just take the first thing that comes to mind. Trust in the Force, even if you are guided to do something different to your normal behaviour.

If you receive an answer you don't like or something you consider to be dark, you should enter meditation to relax and calm yourself. Go off and do something else or change the subject. Then write down the question and while you are still writing, continue on with the answer. See if that works.

"The Force is our ally, and a powerful ally it is" , Master Yoda.

The Force is our ally in life. We can use the Force for strength and we can use the Force for guidance. Like a light in the darkness, the ever-present Force can help you find your way through the maze of life's decisions.

Every day we are given choices to make, some difficult and some easy. For the most part we make decisions on the go, without giving thought. Simple decisions like 'turn left' or 'stop here'. When we are confronted with a major decision it may seem at times overwhelming. This is where we can use the guidance of the Force.

For this exercise we must go to the chronicles and the words of Qui Gon Jin.

"Don't centre on your anxiety, keep your concentration here and now where it belongs"

Here and now, this is the most important moment in your life. The moment you are experiencing now is the only thing you have control of. What has been done cannot be undone. It cannot be changed but it can be learned from. So don't worry about the past, seek answers from your experiences. Learn from your mistakes and your successes. What we do now may have an effect on our future, but it definitely effects the present. If we centre on our tensions or anxieties we may miss an important event here and now.

Sometimes when we focus on our worries of the future we may come up with possible scenarios. We think through what might happen and the possible results of our actions, all the while missing the moment. Here and now is where we are able to feel the presence of the living Force.

Instead we can trust in the Force. Call it intuition or fate, whatever you want, that small whisper in your mind gently pointing you in the right direction. The Force is always there for us, only we don't always hear it. Here and now is where the Force speaks to us. Sometimes through advice we receive from others. Sometimes through a gut feeling or a hunch. It is always there for us.

Use your feelings to sense the guidance of the Force. When making a decision go with what feels right? The Force gives us a pleasant feeling or a confidence which lets us know what is right. If you feel uneasy or uncomfortable about something, then the Force warning you to be wary.

Always be aware of the Force as a guiding influence in your life. Listen for the whispers and be alert to the warnings. You may still make mistakes but they will be fewer if we trust in the Force.

Mind Powers.

“These aren't the droids you're looking for”. Master Obi Wan Kenobi teaches us that Jedi are able to influence weaker or simple minds. This is not entirely implausible in this modern age, as the simple minded still act as occasional barriers which need to be moved aside from time to time.

Confidence is the key. To say something with such confidence and surety that it is taken for an undisputable fact. The human is controlled in most actions by a sub-conscious mind which was programmed during infancy. We are able to use this programming to our advantage.

We command the child to move or assure the child of a new certainty. As with Negotiation, we must never challenge, we must speak with command but not commandingly. To speak down to someone, or to raise your voice, is sure to be seen as a challenge. We must speak with confidence in our own words. If you raise the pitch of the last word in a sentence, it becomes a question, no matter what is said.

Calmly and in a monotone voice, make a statement you want the subject to believe is an undeniable truth. “Move along now”.

  “Credit will do fine”

Of course it doesn't always work. Master Qui Gon Jin shows us that some minds are stronger than others. The matured mind will not respond to parental commands. They have overcome the infant programming through growth and education. These types will, however, not be obstacles that need to be removed. They may be convinced to assist in your cause.