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6558 Vernon Woods Drive Sandy Springs (Atlanta) Georgia 30328

Open 10 AM - 10 PM Mon - Thurs, 10 AM - 8 PM Fri & Sat, 11 AM - 8 PM Sun

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What is a Psychic Fair? It's the opportunity for you to meet and try out different psychics and learn about new and different modalities from Astrology to Zen Tarot.
It's a psychic smorgasbord, filled with exciting possibilities and rewarding experiences!

We're at 6558 Vernon Woods Drive in Sandy Springs, GA

ALL READINGS ARE DONE ON SITE, NO REMOTE OR PHONE READINGS AT PSYCHIC FAIR (but private phone sessions are acailable at our regular rates of $50 for 20 minutes and $2.50 per minute for extra time)

Call 404-252-4540 to Book your Session or Book online by Clicking Here

SATURDAY, MAY 18, 10 AM - 8 PM

ALLY VIDIL 10 AM -- 8 PM - Tarot, Oracle, Medium, Reiki Practitioner - Ally V. is a naturally gifted psychic and fourth generation prophetic dreamer, tarot reader, reiki practitioner, and empath. Her psychic gifts developed early on in childhood, and she has been channeling her whole life. She is claircognizant and clairvoyant, experiencing the world often hearing and seeing things that others don’t. Ally reads traditional tarot, Oracle cards, sees auras and spirit animals, and does past life tarot readings with her magical decks. She will utilize information from both her guides and ancestors and yours to give reading on matters of love, finance, relationships, career and more 

CARL GABRIEL 1 - 8 PM- Intuitive, Psychic Tarot, Psy-Cards, Clairvoyant, Clairscentient - Carl has been working as a professional psychic since 2002 after obtaining a degree in Metaphysics and Divination. Carl is a gifted Tarot reader and can give intuitive impressions on situations and interpersonal dynamics. A Psy Card or Tarot reading includes feedback on career, relocation, personal relationships and other subjects or any specific situation in which you might need further clarity. All information is delivered in an empathic, friendly, and non-judgmental approach. On staff at The Inner Space

CHRISTY HILL 1 - 8 PM- Tarot Reader, Clairvoyant, Claircognizant,  Tarot, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, Reiki - Dr. Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Psychic Medium, Spiritual Advisor - Christy has been a Psychic Medium since childhood and is a Professional Consultant who guides clients into trusting their own intuition and psychic abilities. Christy is educated and trained in divination and providing messages of loving clarity and truth from your spirit guides and ancestors. She is dedicated to illuminating spiritual blockages that may be hindering one's journey. Christy will assist you in transforming the world around you through high vibrational sessions with Spirit!

DR. ETRICIA MILLS 10 AM - 8 PM - Tarot, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, Reiki - Dr. Etricia uses her studies of the Kabbalah as well as her vast metaphysical knowledge with the Tarot to get your answers to life's most pressing questions. Her vision helps her see into the depths of your soul and pull out your subconscious mind's blocks. Whether you are looking for an answer to a job or relationship question or to find your spiritual path, she is able to work with the individual on a soul level to determine the root source of the problem and address it on all levels. Reiki or Past Life Regression require 2 tickets. On staff at The Inner Space

KAREN McAFEE - 10 AM - 6 PM - Light Trance Medium, Spiritual Advisor, Shamanism, Lenono Fortune Telling Cards, Pendulum, Psychometry -- As a Light Trance, Karen has a natural ability to connect to those in Spirit and share her physical senses so that they can see through her eyes, hear with her ears, breathe with her lungs, or speak with her vocal chords. Her readings are humbling and always healing for both sitter and soul. She is also well known for her unusual deck of Lenono cards, which she uses to connect with your Guides so that they can tell you what you need to know now in order to move forward in life. It’s also not unusual for those in spirit to stop by during a reading. 

LADY X - 10 AM - 4 PMClairvoyant, Clairaudient, Palm Reader - Lady X is a gifted psychic who has been providing readings for over ten years. Her specialties are predictions regarding finances, career and  relationships. Do you have questions? Well I have the answers. Your time with her will leave you in astonishment.

PENELOPE 1 - 8 PM -Psychic, Medium, Tarot Reader - Penelope has worked 17-plus years as a professional reader. She is a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master. She is certified to read and heal in the Akashic Records. Her specialties are business, past lives, spiritual growth, and life path and purpose work. Her style is direct, caring and she loves a good laugh while talking to the universe!

TAMARA SWEENEY 10 AM - 6 PM - CLaudient, and Spiritual Reader/Soul Guide I believe that we are a collective consciousness. God exists within each one us, not separate from us.As we climb up this evolutionary ladder of ascension, we often find ourselves wondering… What is my purpose? What will make me happy? What will make me feel complete?What do I offer? I am an intuitive reader and soul guide. Through the use of cards, claires, and insight, I will help you discover your own internal strengths and knowingness. You are, and will always be, the light you are seeking. On staff at The Inner Space

VANIA 10 AM - 6 PM - Tarot , Reiki Master, Pendulum, Crystals, Clairvoyant, Medium (since childhood) - Vania connects with her spirit guides to deliver profound insights and messages that come directly from Source.Bridging Ancient Egyptian energy with that of your higher self, she conveys message that help to put you on the right path for success in finances, love, health and happiness. She can communicate with your loved ones on the other side to bring messages of love, reassurance and help. English and Portuguese+ some Spanish.

WANG 1 - 8 PN -I-Ching 10 AM- 6 PM— Bring any question to Wang (taught by a Chineese Master over 20 years ago) He will give you the answer along with the deeper insight and clarity you will need to make important life decisions. The I-Ching Oracle is one of the oldest of the Classical Chinese divination systems.Using coins in a specific configuration, based upon your toss will help you navagate all aspects of life, especially love, money and career.


BRAINTAP - Twenty to twenty five minutes of pure bliss-guided meditation, binaural beats, hemi-sync and brain balancing help you reach your subconscious mind to create the life of your dreams. Not only is BrainTap a beautiful meditation /manifestation tool, but 20 minutes of BrainTap is worth 8 hours of sleep! Programs include weight loss, sales performance, manifestation, health and well being, relationships, physical fitness and more! Use one of your tickets for the 2/$35 price.

IONIC FOOT BATH - These 30 minute sessions will help you Rrelax your feet in a warm footbath with sea salt while an ionic detox cleanse unit is placed in the water. This results in positive and negatively charged ions being circulated, acting like magnets to attract the oppositely charged ions of toxins, heavy metals and cellular waste. Toxins are excreted through the approximately 2,000 pores in your feet. The Detox Therapy Session will result in a boost in the efficiency of the body's natural excretory and toxin elimination functions  

SUNDAY MAY 19, 12 - 6

AUGUSTINE  - Intuitive, Tarot From deep within her psyche, Augustine connects with your higher self and heart ascertaining your unspoken questions and shedding light on areas of darkness in your life. She lovingly offers her intuitive gifts to provide assistance and soul healing in the areas of relationships and direction in your career. She can help you pinpoint blocks in both money and love to release them for your highest good.

BONDESIO - Palmistry, Intuitive, Tarot, Pendulum, Chinese Astrology - Let her read your palm. Living and traveling for more than twenty years in many countries as a diplomat's wife, she used that period to hone her skills internationally. Your life is in your hands. Questions answered by numerology, Tarot cards and pendulum. Let Bondesio tell you your Soul Path, Life Path and your ultimate destination. On staff at The Inner Space

BRITT YOUR INTUIT - Tarot, Oracle Cards - With a keen interest in Astrology and Numerology, she navigates through life by way of instinct and connecting with source, using various tools;(crystals,herbs, runes,pyromancy, ceromancy, capromancy, and tarot, etc... ). She's an intuitive Empath, metaphysical alchemist and medically intuitive. It's her desire to be of service to those who are seeking answers and or assistance in matters concerning health, finance, and relationships.

CINDY SHERWOOD - Intuitive, Medium, and Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Intuitive Tarot Reader Charm Caster. Practicing for over 20 years. Cindy has performed in Large groups / John Edward style. When someone is having a hard time hearing their own guidance. Cindy has the ability to raise her vibration, opening a channel of communication from your higher self/soul/spirit/guides and relay those messages back to you. Having a Reading with me not only can awaken your spark, light the fire inside yourself, but it also helps me. When I can sit and raise my awareness, open my channel for the highest of good, I also heal, grow, feel happiness and freedom. That’s the beauty of this work. You will not find me by mistake, you will not sit with me by accident. You will be called, your spirit will find mine and together we will join awareness of a higher space. It is empowering to know you hold the keys to your own happiness. Let’s find them together. On staff at The Inner Space

DR. ETRICIA MILLS - Tarot, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, Reiki - Dr. Etricia uses her studies of the Kabbalah as well as her vast metaphysical knowledge with the Tarot to get your answers to life's most pressing questions. Her vision helps her see into the depths of your soul and pull out your subconscious mind's blocks. Whether you are looking for an answer to a job or relationship question or to find your spiritual path, she is able to work with the individual on a soul level to determine the root source of the problem and address it on all levels. Reiki or Past Life Regression require 2 tickets. On staff at The Inner Space

ELEXA - I've feel like I have been psychic my whole life. I just didn't know what to call it growing up. As a child I couldn't understand when I would say things to people , that they would really be puzzled as to how did I know the things I knew. I've always been wise for my age, possibly I've lived several life times. I feel that I'm very much an open person, and I will listen to whatever is holding you back and you need clarity on . I started to do my own readings on a daily basis 5 years ago. I've taken Pyshic development class 4 times over the years. I was able to tap into my craft deeper. I can use tarot , pendulum. I can also see pictures of things feel issue. I can do love , business and health with confidence. I'm a caring and active listener. I give it straight but with love and kindness. I also provide solutions not just answers, which I believe makes a difference.

KOSMICK - Clairvoyant, Psychic Medium, Psychometry, Tarot, Crystals, Candles - From a young age, Kellie has had clairvoyance and developed many more gifts as she grew older. Kellie utilises her gifts of mediumship and uses different divination methods in her practices, such as ESP, Psychometry, Crystals, Candles, and Cards.

MONICA - Intuitive, Tarot - A caring and compassionate Scorpio who connects to your energy to offer information given by spirit. Monica can help shed light on any life questions. Whether your concerns are job, finance, relationship or spiritual, allow her to connect with your higher self for your answers 

PRESTON - Medium, Ancestral Priest, Shaman, Tarot, Empath, Past Life. Preston is an intuitve, shaman that is skilled into looking into your life and the otherside to pull the very best part of you out. He is also a Ancestral Priest that can use his skill to help break generational curses, life stagnation, and hard life choices.

SHEILA HARRIS - Clairvoyant, Palmistry, Medium, Spiritual Guidance, Playing Cards, Numerology & Astrology - Sheila is clairvoyant, reads regular playing cards, palms, uses numerology and astrology. Sheila receives messages from her spirit guides and angels to give you assistance for your highest good. She comes from a family of psychics and has a strong gift for helping others to see the past, present and future. She has over 30 years of experience.

VERONICA Tarot, Clairvoyant, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Reiki Master Veronica, exhibited intuitive abilities since childhood, receiving messages in dreamtime. Currently, using the Tarot, she provides readings with the gifts of service and healing where needed in relationships, career, finances and health. Allow Veronica to remove the mystery from your life path, past, present and future.


BRAINTAP - Twenty to twenty five minutes of pure bliss-guided meditation, binaural beats, hemi-sync and brain balancing help you reach your subconscious mind to create the life of your dreams. Not only is BrainTap a beautiful meditation /manifestation tool, but 20 minutes of BrainTap is worth 8 hours of sleep! Programs include weight loss, sales performance, manifestation, health and well being, relationships, physical fitness and more! Use one of your tickets for the 2/$35 price.

IONIC FOOT BATH - These 30 minute sessions will help you Rrelax your feet in a warm footbath with sea salt while an ionic detox cleanse unit is placed in the water. This results in positive and negatively charged ions being circulated, acting like magnets to attract the oppositely charged ions of toxins, heavy metals and cellular waste. Toxins are excreted through the approximately 2,000 pores in your feet. The Detox Therapy Session will result in a boost in the efficiency of the body's natural excretory and toxin elimination functions  


The above listing is believed to be accurate and correct. Please call in the day of the fair to confirm that your favorite psychic will be in attendance.

$35* for two readings cannot be shared between two clients or used for two readings with the same practitioner other than past life regression or a combo massage Reiki session which requires two tickets.