Latest Issue of CoroCoro brings new Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver Info

The latest issue of CoroCoro has been leaked and with it comes 6 scans revealing new information and Heart Gold/Soul Silver.

First off, there is a promotional event involving Jirachi and McDonalds.
Jirachi McDonalds promotion

The scan discusses that Jirachi will be available at select McDonalds restaurants from June 19-July 17 for Diamond/Pearl/Platinum players. The bottom of the page reveals some pictures of the WiiWare Melee! Pokemon Scramble game and states that the game will be available for DS download play around the same time as theMcDonalds promotion.

Click the link below for much, much more info.

A couple more scans show off some of the new artwork for Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver.

Character Art
Heart Gold/Soul Silver Box Art
The first image shows off some familiar faces and locations with some updated character art and screenshots. The second shows off the boxart of Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver. Most noticable is that the boxes are slightly bigger, due to the recently announced pedometer being included, also pictured.

Remember Cynthia?

The text indicates that the legend of Arceus will be expanded upon in Heart Gold/Soul Silver.

Cynthia and Arceus
Indeed another scan shows off her standing next to Arceus at an unknown location with three symbols on the floor. Some of the text states, “They were given the right to choose one life out of three” What this means is as of yet unknown, though rumours on Japanese websites suggest if the Arceus obtained from the Japanese film promotions is traded to Heart Gold/Soul Silver then Dialga, Palkia and/or Giratina will become available.

Lastly, some more information on some older legendaries.

Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza
It appears that upon beating the Elite Four, you can capture Groudon in Soul Silver and Kyogre in Heart Gold. Bring the two together and Rayquaza becomes available for capture.

That’s all the news for now! No doubt next Sunday will bring up some more info via Pokemon Sunday so unless more scans emerge stay tuned for then!