Hello world!

Photograph kindly supplied by The Leintwardine History Society

Welcome to the Lion Hotel Leintwardine’s blog.    The Lion was purchased in November 2009 by Will and Jane Watkins,  it was looking a little neglected when we bought it and so together with Penny and the rest of the Radnor Hills team we immediately set about planning its restoration and refurbishment which will take just under a year from start to finish.

Plans for the hotel include two friendly and comfortable bars;  a larger, improved dining room; snug seating areas; attractive gardens which take advantage of the stunning views across the river; and eight stylish and comfortable bedrooms all with en-suite facilities.  We want the Lion to be a welcoming focal point for the village where local people and guests can enjoy a relaxed drink or meal or a pleasant break.

Two months in to the project we have managed so far to avoid the threatened floods, although the river has been brimming the banks on a few occasions and we are hoping that the new wall will help to protect the Lion from  water damage,  the roof has been stripped and is in the throws of repair and the interior is unrecognisable – I think the correct jargon is ‘plenty of potential for improvement’ … watch this space!

We are really excited about this project and would welcome ideas and comments from anybody who is interested in the Lion.

15 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by david williams on January 19, 2010 at 9:17 am

    Nice to see that the lion being refurbished and look forward to being open village seemed empty when it closed down. Suggestion. how about having an outside bar during the summer months ( if we have a summer!) with a barbecue area i have been to other pubs and it seems popular. Also local cider/ beer like henry westons stowford press cider (nice)


    • Hi David,
      We agree that a summer bar is a brilliant idea and it is one of the things which we are already looking at. Local produce is definitely going to feature highly at the Lion and of course that includes beers and ciders we will certainly be tasting a few of these over the next few months to ensure that we get the best we can find – thanks for the suggestions we will make sure these are considered.
      Thank you for being the first person to post a comment on our new blog and I hope you will be keeping in touch as we go on.


  2. Posted by Vivienne Simkins on January 21, 2010 at 2:21 pm

    Great that you’ve taken on the challenge and The Lion won’t be turned into a block of flats. May I quote your blog in the March issue of Leintwardine Life, or would you like to write us a fresh piece in time for copydate of Feb 18th.
    The Editor


    • Thank you Vivienne, please feel free to quote the blog, but I would be more than happy to write you a piece if you would like to let me know how many words you need, if you could mention the blog and the facebook page as well that would be fabulous. Would you like some photographs? Please email me on lion@radnorhills.co.uk. (penny)


  3. Posted by Mark Ferrero on January 22, 2010 at 5:16 pm

    Thank you for providing this information, and for the opportunity to offer views. I very much like the sound of what you have in mind. I have one question, and one suggestion, if I may please. The question is whether you intend to apply for a live music licence? And the suggestion is could you also please provide good quality morning coffees and afternoon teas? By that I mean really freshly ground coffee, leaf teas (not in teabags!) and proper, old fashioned local homemade cakes. This sort of thing is particularly popular with walkers and I am sure the cakes could be sourced from within the village! Good luck, and roll on opening time.


    • Hi Mark, Thanks for your comment- I’m not sure about the music licence at the moment, we obviously don’t want to fall out with people who live near to the Lion but who knows what might come up. Is there a reason for your question?
      With regard the teas and coffees, we certainly do plan to do coffees and teas and will make sure we use the best ingredients we can source, we spent two days this week looking for comfortable sofas and chairs and coffee tables, it will be a great place to unwind after a walk or just catch up with friends over a coffee.


      • Posted by Mark Ferrero on February 3, 2010 at 10:47 am

        Thank you very much. Sounds great to me. I’m in two minds about the live music question. On the one hand, I think loud late-night music would be quite out of keeping with this peaceful and beautiful setting. On the other hand, occasional week-end lunchtime jazz, or folk (say) might be nice, and it would be a shame to miss the opportunity for having this by not applying for the right sort of licence. I’m thinking small-scale entertainment here, on particular occasions – a pianist perhaps, or a singer. Nothing loud or brash! But you are quite right, of course, that the views of those living nearby should carry most weight. Oh, and while we’re on the subject, please, please, PLEASE, no piped music!! Just the sound of people talking and the fire crackling!

  4. Posted by Craig Schofield on January 26, 2010 at 5:37 pm

    Great to know the potential for this pub has been recognised, good on you guys. The pub shut not long after I moved to Leintwardine, so never had the chance to have a good drink and a meal there, so really glad it’s been bought. Can’t wait for the opening day and I hope all runs smoothly for you over the coming months. Many thanks, Craig.


  5. Posted by Linda on February 23, 2010 at 7:04 pm

    Great to know that the Lion will soon be back in action, it will be really nice to have a normal village pub, serving good pub food, good beers, wines and ciders, plus afternoon tea’s. If you are going to have B&B facilities, maybe you could have a small area in the hotel for a little shop, selling fishing tackle, bait, little nets and buckets, kites, etc as I’m sure the visitors, local villagers, and families with small children would find this quite useful, especially having the river and open space nearby.

    Wishing every success.


    • Linda, thank you for your comments. All suggestions are welcome and will be considered. Our main focus at the moment is, of course, to get the rooms, restaurant and bars up and running but it is good to hear your idea! Penny


  6. Posted by Richard on February 25, 2010 at 6:24 pm

    So pleased that the Lion is being redeveloped,and a suggestion if i may to hopefully make it a success. Good in house cooked food at reasonable prices.If you can get that right,a well worn path will soon be worn to your door.
    Good luck,and let us know how things are coming along.


    • Hi Richard
      Absolutely – we really want to get the food right and the key to that is local supply and good in house cooking as you point out. Now we just need a really good chef!
      I will keep you updated on progress.



  7. Hi, I was passing the other day and noticed the refurb underway, I am the Store project manager for Dulux, we are currently helping the re-development of the Knighton Hotel and also the Radnorshire just down the road. We at Dulux are pleased to offer our free of charge project management operation, for advise on condition of walls, products that solve problems in old buildings, colour and quantity. If this is of interest please let me know, early project management is control over budgets, also when you buy the paint, you get the benefits of the discounts and not your decorators.
    If we can be of assistance please contact the above.



  8. Posted by Pat on April 28, 2010 at 5:24 pm

    The Lion is looking So Good now, every night I drive home over ther bridge from hereford something new looks to have happened. Could we please have an update on the works and what has been happening – some photos would be good too ~ thank you . Really looking forward to the re-opening


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