Cremation by water

cremation by water

Water cremation has been around for years and is now gaining attention as people seek greener alternatives to cremation. On we’ve call this form of  disposition Resomation others call it Water Resolution or Bio-Cremation.

California is looking at amending the law to allow this form of cremation. Sounds like funeral directors like the idea. It supposed to be significantly less expensive than traditional fire cremation. Another advantage to funeral directors is that they do not need to go through the difficult and expensive procedure for obtaining air emission permits from local air pollution agencies that are necessary with fire cremation.

Right now Florida is the only state allowing this form of cremation. The first commercial bio-cremation facility is expected to become operational in St. Petersburg in the next few months.

I predict that in this new form of cremation will be the next big thing in the funeral industry.

It makes sense – – it’s less expensive, creates less pollution and is more, gentle, than fire cremation.  People will love it. – AC

1 Comment »

  1. matthewscremation said

    In addition to it being more environmentally friendly, metals and prosthetics can be recovered from the chamber in pristine condition for re-use/recycling. Matthews Cremation will be releasing an informational website on the BIO Cremation unit very soon to dispell some of the myths associated with the alkaline hydrolysis process. Stay tuned!

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