Fresh Start

Today was my very first Monday at my new job – and it was great! I don’t know about you, but when I say good – it means exciting, busy and very, very productive! The kind of day where you don’t stop working and the time literally flyssss by because you are SO busy you don’t ever have the change to look at the clock. Most people probably think I’m crazy – but I thrive off of this type of work atmosphere.

After work I flew across downtown to my friend’s place to watch Game 6 of the Stanley Cup playoffs… and as predicted – Vancouver LOST! Although it kind of sucks, we needed to bring it home for game 7 in order to take the series and win on home ice (knocking on wood as we speak)! The Canuck pride in this city is absolutely incredible and I CANNOT WAIT for Wednesday night’s game – ahhhhh! :)

Look what I spotted on my way to work this morning:

Last night as I was walking home from job #2 (the restaurant on the beach) and I read a tweet from a good friend stating “Lesson of the weekend = life is too short.” It really hit home because since starting this new job I’ve been continuing to do something I really don’t want to do… serve tables. If it weren’t because of the great people who work there or the fast money, I wouldn’t continue to do it; but I know that for the meantime I have to. I don’t know about you but I often struggle to “do things I don’t want to do” and question if the reasons for continuing to do them really out way the reasons for giving it up. The only reason I’m still there is because of money and that’s not a good enough reason for me anymore.

I moved here for a fresh start. The new routine and lifestyle that I craved so badly I left my old routine and lifestyle to set off to find. That being said, I’ve found a job and the potential for that routine I’ve been craving is possible! It’s time to work on the goals that mean the very most to me. So starting today I’m going to blog about my healthy lifestyle and am using my blog as a means of keeping myself accountable!

So what does this mean? It means I’m going to enjoy my summer in Vancouver the true vancouverite way: healthy, active and green!

Goal #1: Buy a bike (and sell my car back home). I don’t need nor want a car here in Vancouver. Honestly, there is no point for me to have a car! I live 20 minutes away from my work and once I get a bike I will kill two birds with one stone (proverbially speaking): green and active!

Goal #2: Eat clean. I need to start writing down everything I eat and start counting calories (not obsessive but have a good awareness of my food intake). I have an issue with convenience eating and portion control – and I know this. (Also… I’m not allowed to buy peanut butter because I will eat the entire jar in a week… or less.)

Goal #3: Start a new fitness routine. As you might have already realized – I get really bored with the same fitness routine. If there is a set goal (ie. Insanity) and length of time until the goal is finished I am really good with staying on track! I love cardio based things (running for example) but I know how important strength training is and have a weird obsession with wanting to go extreme. Give me the heaviest kettlebell to swing and the largest dumbbell and I will make sure to kick my butt!

So, I’m hoping with the purchase of a bike I will be able to also start using the gym at my work! It’s not a very big gym – but it has equipment and a few cardio machines. I’m allowed to use it whenever I want so I’m going to take advantage of that instead of buying a gym membership for the next few months at least :)

The Plan: My ultimate plan is as follows: 1. Bike to and from work everyday (and bike around the city)! 2. Go to work early so I can run and get a weight routine in before work. 3. Eat clean and start making a food plan. I know my biggest struggle is going to be taking the time to prepare meals – I struggle with this SO MUCH.

Any suggestions? How do you make time to prepare and plan your meals?

(Ps. I just want to make an open call for people following my blog! What would you like to see more of? Pictures of my food? Writing down all my meals and focus on calorie counting? Workout schedules and details? You let me know and I will focus on it!)


Filed under Personal Records

10 responses to “Fresh Start

  1. Hi Amanda!
    Love your blog postings! As for this … you said:”Eat clean and start making a food plan. I know my biggest struggle is going to be taking the time to prepare meals – I struggle with this SO MUCH.”
    May I suggest a few things? …
    1) Plan ahead. You are a GREAT planner! so use this talent to plan what your weekly menu is going to be. When I first started this, I made a totally long list of everything! I ate or liked to eat that was good for me. Then, I divided the list up into three whole meals every day – calendar with big squares/lots of space is good for this – so that every day I knew what I was going to eat.
    2) Once your menu is down and pat, make a grocery list of what you will need for the next week, and get that – and only that – on your shopping day. It will save time and money!
    3) Print up your calendar or menu list for the week and put it where you will see it every night and every morning. The night before, take out of the freezer or get ready what you will be eating/preparing the next day.
    4) Healthy snacks and meals can be made in bulk and frozen ahead of time. If you eat mostly fresh foods, as I see you do, no worries. Just get separate portions ready and pop them in individual containers to take to work or open up when you get home from work.
    5) As you know, ROUTINE and schedules are a life- and time-saver! Use them for your healthy diet and I don’t really think you need to count calories, as long as you stay away from the ‘whites’ : dairy, white bread and pastry, white potatoes, sugar, white rice, etc. Not that they are all really bad, but they are not all that good, either and you will be much healthier eating whole foods. Of course, you know that!
    Lastly, I love pics of Vancouver and environs, so click away and post away! When you post about yourself, to me, that’s what’s interesting, and it could be anything! As long as it’s from you. :)
    Love you
    Aunty Raymonde

    • Thanks Raymonde! Your tips are so great- I just need to take the time to make that schedule! I think I do eat pretty clean now- I don’t eat any (whites, pasta, processed or a lot of alcohol)! Saving time and money is exactly what I need to do!
      I’m so glad you and Colin are following – tell him I say hi! Lots of love!

  2. Meng

    Hi Amanda, great to see you’re doing so well in VanCity! In replying to your question to preparing healthy meals, I think a Chinese saying says it the best – there’s no fat or ugly women but excuses and procrastination make them. I personally think if healthy lifestyle is your priority, you’ll make time and effort to accomendate changes in your life. Making healthy meals is not as hard as people think. You need to start going to groceries and taking the time to cook. It really becomes part of your lifestyle eventually and there really is no shortcut to it. Keeping track of calories is a good start because you do need to know what and how much you eat. For example, fruit parfait looks healthy but it has LOTS sugars and therefore high calories in them. Determination and being alert are the key. Keep up the good job girly!


    • That is such a good point! We all know planning is key when it come to living a healthy lifestyle – but it’s often so hard to master! Thanks for reaffirming EXACTLY what it is I need to do – time to work out my plan! Thanks Meng :)

  3. You and me both sista! Glad to have found a buddy to share the trials and tribulations – and of course a good sweaty session – with!! Bring it on!! xx

    • Agreed! Let’s getting this planning thing figured out and things will be SO much better… aka I can definitely meet you dt after work if we want to start going to a yoga class or something! Let’s plan!

  4. Pingback: Chandeleah · The Random Routine

  5. Amanda

    I agree, as i know eating healthy is just as important to you as working out. So just like you say you need to make time to work out, if you want to eat fresh, healthy, and cheap, you need to take the time to prepare meals, and get things sorted as soon as you buy them. Like veggies.. when i buy a big head of broccoli, cauliflower, pineapple. etc, as soon as i get home, i start cutting everything up and putting it in bags, so you can just grab a handful for a snack/put in a quick stirfry. You can do that with all of your fruits and veggies, and freeze them too! Makes everything quicker, to just take the few minutes when you get them to prepare them. Same thing with making meal plans. On nights you know you will be busy, make plans to make a quick meal, with ingredients you already have cut up! Anddd when you make a meal, make 3-4 times the amount, and freeze it in portains, you can take those for lunch. Or make your lunch the night before.

    Amanda :)

  6. meng

    Thank you for starting blogging about it! This could inspire so many others to think, plan and live healthy :). I always make lots of meals on weekends (stew, soup or anything that lasts a day or two) so even when you get really busy when the week starts, you have something in your fridge that’s not fast, fatty food. Take leftover dinner to lunch the next day also helps. Let us know your progress!

    • Thank you for reading! I think it’s important to find a healthy life-work-fun balance and that’s my goal for my life at the moment. I appreciate all the suggestions and ideas :) Tonight I spent awhile cooking dinner and preping for my meals tomorrow and I feel so much better knowing I have healthy food and won’t have to go in search of some kind of food when I’m starving tomorrow. I will for sure keep everyone updated! A new post is on the way! :)

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