Goal: To be hired by lululemon.


I will be a part of the lululemon social media team. 

By: ­­­April , 2011

Name: Amanda

Why is this my goal?

I want to work for lululemon because I am passionate about “creating components for people to live a longer, healthier, more fun life.” (lululemon’s mission) I have learned how to set personal health and fitness goals over the past few years and because of the support and education I received from the people around me – I’ve achieved them!

Once I set one goal, I achieved it and found myself setting a new one! Before I knew it the process of setting and achieving goals became so integrated into my life I do it on a daily basis without thinking twice about it. I never dreamed I would be able to run a 10k, but I have and now I’m aiming for a half marathon! The thought of practicing yoga and realizing all its benefits never even crossed my mind as an option – but now I LOVE it!

I have to admit that lululemon’s manifesto has inspired me to be the best person I can be, for me and no one else. I believe that nourishing the body, mind and soul are vital in order to live a happy, fulfilling and successful life and that you can achieve anything you put your mind to!

How am I so sure? I’ve been living it!


Now what?

Now, it’s my goal to be a part of a team and movement to create the support to give back this health mentality. Sometimes people just need a little inspiration in order to find the strength within to create that positive change leading them towards a happier more fulfilling life. It’s possible; anything is possible! I want to be a part of creating the ability for change.

 How might you ask am I going to achieve this goal? I must work for the best company out there doing exactly what I love to do of course!

 Work with lululemon!


As the organized, goal oriented person I am, the process must be clearly thought about and broken down into steps!

Step One: Applying – Check!

After applying for the digital storyteller position with the lululemon Social Media Team, I thought that if this is a goal I want to achieve (and yes it scares and excites me!) I need to make it happen!

Step Two: Using social media to make an impact – Check!

Welcome to my blog! :)

Step Three: Show the social media team what I’m made of! – Check!

This is where you come in! I could sit here and talk about myself until I’m blue in the face (Not good. Breathing deeply is important!). Or I could tweet about how much I love lululemon all day long (A little too much don’t you think?)!


I could get the people who know me personally to be a testament that I do indeed embody the lululemon mission and live the elements of its manifesto without conscious thought!

I’ve submitted the cover letter and resume. I’ve set my 1 year, 3 year and 10 year goals. And I’ve integrated the manifesto into my life. I’m already up on top of social media, know how to follow trends, have a degree in strategic communications and most importantly refuse to work for a company whose mission isn’t closely related to my personal one. I know I can do a great, better than great, job for lululemon – I just need the opportunity to prove I can!

This is where YOU come in! I’ve explained what, why and how I want to work for lululemon and I’ve used my expert social media skills to get you here now I need some feedback!

Your mission is to comment on this blog post telling the lululemon social media team how well I’d fit into their team! Responses can include, but are not limited to giving wonderful examples of how I am:

· A goal setter
· Self-aware, possessing a desire for constant self improvement
· Someone who actively lives and breathes the lululemon culture and lifestyle
· Intrinsically motivated and passionate
· Empathetic and approachable
· Outgoing, energetic, upbeat and FUN

Hire Me!


What do you think? Can you help me prove to lululemon I have the ambition, ability and skills to be a part of their exciting social media team?


Filed under Personal Records

46 responses to “Goal: To be hired by lululemon.

  1. Wendy

    I would absolutely do anything to help everyone realize how much of an inspiring person you are! You live your life the way everyone should, and the way I wish I could everyday. MOTIVATED. If everyone doesn’t already know about the amazing steps you have completed in living a healthy lifestyle, losing weight, being goal oriented and being an all around amazingly inspiring and caring individual they need to!! Let me just say first off, Lululemon would be VERY lucky to have you on there team. I have never met anyone who is as dedicated, passionate, and inspiring. From personal experience you have helped me get over quite a few hurdles in my life, you have personally motivated me to be a better person, a more active person and definitely hold myself to my goals. Not only are you a great friend and co-worker you are a very good role model for us all. You believe in being positive CONSTANTLY, setting goals to have a better lifestyle, being healthy and active and I honestly think you were meant to inspire everyone around you. You have certainly made a huge impact in my life, and I know if/when Lululemon hires you they would certainly never regret it. You are the most motivated person I know, soon as anyone meets you they love you. I have no doubt this job is meant for you and will soon be yours :)

  2. Holly Chapadeau

    I worked with Amanda a few years back, and her ambition far exceeded the expectations of her then employer. Always on time, always with a smile. I also attended Mount Saint Vincent University with this wonderful young lady, and I can say that her bright and outgoing enthusiasm followed her in and out of the classroom. There’s nothing bad I could says about her, even her fashion style is awesome.

  3. Jenna LeBlanc

    I love everything about this! I am sending you all of my positive thoughts

  4. Kat O'Halloran

    I met Amanda though mutual friends in my first year at Mount Saint Vincent University. Being that she was a year ahead of me in the PR program, I would always ask her for advice on job positing, courses, or anything else school related. She was always ready and willing to give any information she could, and I definitely appreciated her feedback and suggestions.Although I never got to know her that well, since we now live in different provinces, she is still someone I turn to when I’m faced with a tough decision.

    I got the sense right away that Amanda was a goal oriented individual when she explained to me about her desire to run a 10k, and how hard she had been working to achieve this goal. This was definitely inspiring and made me look up to her. I soon found myself not only asking her for advice on school, but fitness and health too. Amanda always has a smile on her face and a positive outlook. She would be the perfect addition to any team, and this job sounds like the perfect fit for her! :)

  5. Angela

    I have known Amanda for over 20 years and she is by far one of the most amazing and inspiring people I have ever known. She is very passionate about anything and everything she does, which includes living a healthy and active lifestyle. She is also very dedicated, once she sets her eyes on something theres no stopping until that goal has been achieved. Amanda is always smiling and looking at the positive in all situations. I could sit here and go on and on all day long but you truly can’t put into words what an amazing person Amanda truly is. The only way for anyone to realize this is to meet her in person, then theres no way anyone couldn’t just love her to pieces. Amanda would make an amazing asset to the Lulu team. You would be crazy not to give her a chance.

  6. I may not know a lot about lululemon, but I do know Amanda Munro. Ive seen her grow up from the most gorgeous blond haired, bright eyed baby….into the strong, focused, intelligent and beautiful young lady she is today. I’ve seen her overcome obstacles that were set in her path both by Life and by people around her, and she has never lost sight of what she wanted or who she is. Amanda has always stayed true to herself and accomplished what she set out to do. It is a source of pride that I got to be a small part of her life, that I got to watch her grow. its hard for me to see her as anything other then that beautiful sweet child whose smile would light my heart up, but in the last little while I have seen, just by watching her, in the distant ways available to me, that she has blossomed into a vibrant, energetic and beautiful adult. Who’s smile still melts the heart and inspires the soul! I know she will excel at anything she sets her mind and heart at, and I know she will prove an asset to any company lucky enough to have her in it.

  7. Amanda definitely has what it takes to work in social media. It takes serious commitment to work in the online space and Amanda’s commitment is second-to-none, not only to living a healthy lifestyle but her commitment to communications as a craft is inspiring.

    Amanda is a fantastic communications person whom I respect immensely. My experience working with Amanda in public relations was an honour. I got to see first hand how intelligent, creative and strategic Amanda was. She a positive influence on everyone around her and that really contributed to a great work environment… and great grades ;)

    Amanda would round out any communications team perfectly. I even tried to convince her to come work in Calgary with me but to no avail. Amanda knows what she wants.

    I’m glad you are following your heart Amanda, good luck!!

  8. Laura Kingston

    Let me just start by saying that no matter what happens on this job hunt, the words that people write here about you could not be more true or heartfelt, and deserved – regardless of a job application. Secondly, you are much more than a friend to me- we really are cut from the same mould- so I hope that LULULEMON doesn’t just think this is a place for a bunch of your friends to hype you up. It’s not about doing a favour for a friend- it’s about assuring that the person who truly embodies the LULULEMON beleif system, as wonderful as it is, has a chance to be placed into a position where she has the opportunity to share with as many people as possible the same gifts she has given to those that are close to her. Though no words can really describe what a truly wonderful person Amanda is, and how disgustingly perfect she would be for this job, I’m going to take a crack at it. If you haven’t had a chance to meet Amanda, here’s what you are missing:

    A- LWAYS positive. It could be 10:59 when we close at 11:00, and Amanda welcomes new guests into the restaurant with open arms; someone else to chat with, and no doubt cheer up. Why are so many people here in Halifax still coming into the restaurant asking for her a month later? Strangers wondering how she is liking Vancouver? You can’t teach this, and you can’t fake it.

    M-OTIVATED. In every sense of the word. And not motivated the way you watch the “Biggest Loser” on TV and decide not to go back to the fridge for another piece of chocolate- motivated as in, “how much can I possibly accomplish today- with a smile on my face?”. NO ONE ever has to TELL Amanda to go for a run, to get out there and look for a job, to work harder, study longer or drink more water- she just does it. That’s what real motivation is… not stories that bring you to tears, not climbing the highest mountain or running the longest race- it’s having something inside of you that pushes you to get the most out of every day, and to be more today than you were yesterday. Amanda, you are more everyday.

    A- CCEPTANCE. How can you love others when you don’t love yourself? There has never been a simpler question… you can’t. Accepting yourself, including small faults, imperfections and ideosyncracies, is the only way to embody true positive energy. Some people think all life’s problems would be solved if only they were : skinnier, richer, taller, younger, more fit… Amanda takes the great attributes she has, uses them to the fullest, and forgets about the rest. If you are your own harshest critic, you have the power to hold yourself back. If you are your own loudest cheerleader, no one can stop you- Amanda taught me that.

    N- ON STOP. Talk about the Energizer Bunny! Amanda gets more accomplished my 10 am than most people do in an entire day. To-do lists are her best friend, and checking off each and every last thing is the only way she sleeps at night. Between working out, keeping up with the latest online, being there for friends, working and spending time with family, you will never hear the words “I’m bored” come out of her mouth.

    D-ETERMINED. As a teacher I know that determination isn’t something that comes easily. Most children get frustrated with learning to read, math, poetry writing…something throughout their academic career gives them trouble, and they give up, or just accept they aren’t “good at it” and move on. Amanda doesn’t accept anything. She beleives, and demonstrates in her everyday life, that if you aren’t good at something; if it does not come naturally to you, that means you must try HARDER, not less. She does not let her natural strengths hold her back from doing things outside her comfort zone. She realizes that sometimes, the things that don’t come easily and require the most work, are the most rewarding. To me, that’s determination. Knowing that the destination is just the point where the sun meets the horizon, but that the hike towards the sunset is the most beautiful part.

    A-TTENTIVE. When you want to know what to buy somebody for their birthday, even if they happen to be your own best friend, you ask Amanda. She has attention to detail in every aspect of her life. From the way she plans her weekly activities, to the way she plans her workouts, her healthy meals for the week, and even when she plans events- no detail is left unconsidered. Not a perfectionist- because she accepts that life happens and is always calm and collected even in times of chaos- perhpas because she already has a plan B for every situation in the back of her mind.

    This is just a small glimpse of the young woman that I am proud to call a dear friend forever, because I know she will be. I would never let someone this valuable out of my life…even if she is out of my province. However, if she must be away from all of us here who love her dearly, and miss her energy daily, then I hope that she is not doing it in vain, and LULULEMON takes advantage of her move to Vancouver. Because I don’t think, I know, no matter what company scoops her up, Amanda never takes more than she gives, and always leaves you with a smile on your face.

  9. Alicia

    Amanda is by far the MOST motivated and inspiring person I have met to this day! Just reading her facebook posts alone on being active, having fun and setting new goals makes me want to do each of those things! She is a truly amazing person and there’s no doubt she’ll shine in anything she does.

  10. Samantha Poulain

    I have known Amanda since elementary school and I am proud to say so. She is a very inspiring, motivated and warm hearted person who definitely has what it takes to work for Lululemon!! They will be very lucky to have you, Amanda!

  11. Ashley Coffin

    I had the privilege of living with Amanda during our Public Relations degree at MSVU. Having not known her much before coming to live together all I knew was that she was outgoing, always happy, extremely positive and VERY hard working. Amanda was always the first one to suggest going out and doing something active, event when it was -10 which, if you know the Maritimes, happens quite frequently. Anytime I was having a down day she was always there to cheer me up.

    Having not only lived together we always worked closely together on numerous school projects as well as being in many of the same classes and it was always a great experience. Always positive and hard working, Amanda would develop some great ideas and have the foresight and knowledge to be able to bring those ideas to fruition.

    Any company would be crazy not to hire this girl.

  12. Emma

    I’ve known Amanda for a little over four years now. In those four years she has been a motivation for myself when setting and achieving goals. Her engery and enthusiasum towards everyday life is infectious. Her dedication to her own health and fitness has inspired me to commit to my own fitness goals. There is no doubt in my mind that Amanda would be an abosolute asset to any company that hires her!

  13. Heather

    I follow Amanda on facebook because her posts inspire me to live each moment, stay active and healthy and challenge myself to be the best I can.

  14. Shawn Michaud

    I am like many men and don’t know too much about lululemon. However any organization Amanda is a part of is destined for success. I met Amanda when she moved to Cornwall for a school program. When I first met Amanda I never knew the lasting effect she would have on my life. I have never seen anybody in my life so detined to succeed and determined to achieve their goals as Amanda was. I have witnessed this woman be down as low as a person can be and yet so strong to be able to pull herself up, It almost seems as if she uses the negative impact of a situation to fuel her positive views on life and business. I like to think I have been a small impact on Amanda but truth is she has been a HUGE impact on me. When Amanda sets her mind to something there is no stopping her. Lululemon I do not know your nature of business but I do know this Strong, Wilful, Dedicated and Smart Woman and you would not regret her in your organization.

    Shawn Michaud

  15. If I was looking for to expand my social media team, I would definitely hire you Amanda.

  16. Ambrose M

    Passion, energy, humour, focus and fit – Amanda is the perfect candidate.

    lululemon you’d better snap her up while you have the chance. This lady is going places.

  17. Jonathan Becker

    I’ve worked with Amanda at 2 different jobs, and she has been outstanding in both positions.
    Amanda is one of the nicest caring people I know, and is always genuinely interested in the life and goals of everyone she meets. She is a hard worker and is an asset to any company she works with.

    Good luck Amanda, and best wishes.

  18. Victoria Whiting

    Amanda is Lululemon. If there is anyone out there that embodies their mission it’s her. She is truly an inspiration with her weight and healthy life-style goals not to mention she is super organized, intelligent and one of the most skilled multi-taskers I know! She has a keen sense for innovative and creative ideas. She is a skilled PR professional and a mean social media junkie.
    She is such a passionate and daring individual and a person I truly admire. Heck, she wanted this job so bad she moved to the other side of the country… just ‘cause she could.
    I wish you all the best Amanda and hope you acheive your ultimate goal of working for Lulu!

  19. Vanessa Wallace

    I have known Amanda since Jr High, and all I have to say is that she definitely is one of the most passionate, upbeat, motivated people I have had to opportunity to know. Regardless of the situation Amanda is always smiling and ready to get the job done with determination. When she sets out to do something she goes at it with a passion that any company would be lucky to have.

    Good luck with the job Amanda!! I know you can do it, and I hope they give you the chance to prove it to them!

  20. Sadie Toulany

    Way to go Amanda! Definitely an inspiration. You a go-getter and high achiever and can accomplish anything you put your mind to. The organization would be lucky to have you representing them. Best of luck and keep on motivating others through your determination!

  21. Lauren

    I had the pleasure of meeting Amanda in grade 12 when I started at Millwood, HALF way through the year.. with everyone doing their own thing, getting prepared for prom and striving academically/socially so they could apply and be accepted to schools it didn’t leave much time for socialization! Amanda was one of the people that made it a memorable experience and an easier transition. Friendly as can be, always smiling and clearly extremely driven she would be an asset to any team, I’m confident in that. Good luck with everything Amanda, you deserve it!

  22. Matthew Grandy

    Question Amanda, when are you ever lazy? Seems like you get up with the roosters everyday and live every second to the max! I don’t know where you get your motivation from, but never lose it!! I know it will take you far in the PR world. Awesome blog, I’d hire you.

  23. Justine Moore

    I have had the honor of knowing Amanda for a very long time. We grew up together and were friends from a very young age. I can honestly say that Amanda is not only a smart, outgoing, and positive person, but her personality is so inspiring to those around her. She is a ray of sunshine and her smile always uplifts your spirits. If you need a positive word, she is one person who can make you feel good about yourself.

    She is a very hard worker and has proved that by succeeding in her educational goals and pursuing her biggest career goals in life. I wish Amanda all the best, and if lululemon does decide to hire her, they will be very lucky to have the likes of her on their team!

  24. Sarah Eakin

    Outgoing, energetic, upbeat and FUN- this describes you perfectly!!
    I am so blessed to have met, and had the chance to work with you. You are one of the most positive and energetic people I have ever met. lululemon would be soo lucky to have you on their team! You are a fantastic co-worker and friend. I have no doubt that you will achieve anything you set your mind to. You are such an amazing person, we will all miss you over here on the East Coast. Good luck Amanda!! :) <3

  25. M

    I have not had the luxury of knowing Amanda her entire life like a number of these lucky people have. However that is not to say I do not know her and appreciate everything that she is and has to offer. I met her at school a few years ago we had a mutual friend, we had a few conversations, and I remember instantly being in awe of her. She was easy to talk to, she was smart, she was strong, and most importantly it was comfortable, I felt as if I had known her forever.
    A year or so later I got the wonderful news that she would be coming to work with me at a local restaurant. I was thrilled, and I looked forward to her first day as did those who also knew her. She is someone who makes your worst days bright, and your best days brighter. Within days of starting work she had become an inspiration to many. Watching her attitude, and her motivation there is no way you can spend time with her and not be affected by the person that she is.
    I personally found myself inspired on a number of levels. Whether it was by watching her, as she leads by example, talking to her, hearing her tell stories, watching her set goals and achieve them. On every level she is a great person, and on every level she makes the people around her better. I know she is someone who since day one has supported me in everything that I have done, she has given me confidence on days I just wanted to end, and she has changed me. I think some days she does not even realize how truly amazing and inspirational she is.
    There is no combination of words on a page that could describe the person that she is (although Laura’s comment did quite well) or what she has to offer the organization that is lucky enough to have her. She is someone who is driven, once she has a goal she doesn’t stop until she reaches it. She does everything she needs to get to where she needs/wants to be, and she is fearless in doing so. I know I am not someone who could pick up and move across a country in hopes of finding an opportunity like this.
    Although there are many kind words scattered throughout these comments, and I am sure many will post after me as well saying things just as nice, if not nicer, I can promise it is nothing compared to being in a room with her, compared to having her in your corner. This I know to be true, I am lucky enough to have her in my corner and with her there right behind me supporting me I feel like there is nothing I cannot do, she keeps me on track, and with her there I want to be better every minute of the day. I fully believe any organization would be lucky to add this wonderful young lady to their team, it is a game changing decision, and one that I believe will not be regretted as she is someone who brings a great attitude, and a lot of success to everything that she does.

  26. Jenya

    Amanda is a highly motivated individual, passionate about health, fitness and living life to its fullest. In addition, she has excellent communication skills and is very organized. I believe she is THE perfect candidate for the digital storyteller position at Lululemon!

  27. Alex

    Amanda and I met just over a week ago through a mutual contact from Mount Saint Vincent University. As a recent PR grad I was thrilled to hear that someone from the program was moving out to Vancouver. You would think that as the Vancouver native I would be the one helping her network but in fact it was the other way around. Last night we attended a social media seminar that Amanda found through meetup.com. Not only was it very informative but it was also a great opportunity to network. The more I talk to Amanda, the more I realize how passionate she is about making the most of her education, experience and love for social media. I think she would be a very valuable person to have on the Lululemon team.

  28. Amanda Petrie

    Amanda lives the lululemon brand everyday! She is healthy, passionate, and the most inspiring person i know! She will be an asset to your company.

  29. Amanda is an inspiration! You would be a great asset to the company!

  30. Pingback: Job Hunting = Fulltime Job | The PR Life

  31. Jacquie Braley

    From the moment that I met Amanda I knew she was someone special. Always upbeat and positive. Always smiling and friendly. Her personal manifesto to always set goals has radiated with me, and I am following her advice and setting some myself. Even if they are only short term daily goals. Her understanding nature and ability to adapt herself to many situations provides her with a skill-set like no other. She is professional, playful, and most of all passionate. This passion shines though with everything she does. I cannot imagine a more perfect company than lululemon for Amanda, because she embodies their organizational goals. She is fun, fit and fantastic. What more could a company ask for?

  32. Laura Hawkins

    This is wonderful Amanda! As a former classmate (and group work partner), I can say with confidence that Lululemon would be lucky to have you on their roster. You’re a great team player and your passion for your work shows in everything you do. Working with you on projects or even studying with you was always a pleasure – you’re intelligent, focused and extremely reliable. This is such an exciting opportunity – being able to combine your PR skills with your passion for health and wellness is every graduate’s dream! I would wish you luck, but I don’t think you need it – go get ’em, lady!

  33. Nicole LeBlanc

    Amanada is truly an amazing, bright, inspiring and positive person! We went to school together and Amanda was always happy, friendly and full of positive energy- she ahs an undeniable passion for fitness & well-being and takes pride in her work, her life, her health! I admire her guts to move completely acorss the country and enjoy her updates via social media!

    Amanda embodies what LuLuLemon is!

  34. Lauren

    I met Amanda, during our time at MSVU in the Bachelor of Public Relations program and got to know her through our classes together. One thing you should know off the bat is that the PR program at MSVU is competitive and can easily scare off those with less ambition.

    The second is that Amanda was a valued member of any group or classroom. She has drive, determination and the adaptability which social media and PR require.

    Third, is that Amanda is the type of person who goes after what fits her lifestyle and truly believes in the causes she supports, always living the “brand”. This is why I believe Amanda would make a valuable addition to the lululemon family.

    Good Luck Amanda!

  35. Janine King

    I was fortunate to meet Amanda at Mount Saint Vincent University while we were both pursuing our PR degrees. One of the first things I noticed after meeting Amanda was her positive attitude and outlook on life. She is the perfect fit for Lululemon as she truly embodies the Lululemon spirit – her commitment to living a healthy lifestyle, setting and achieving her goals and ALWAYS having positive attitude.

    Amanda has a clear vision for her career and has been courageous enough to go after it. Moving across the country is a daunting experience for anyone, but Amanda has embraced the change and has truly made the most of her short time in Vancouver – wasting no time networking, job hunting and exploring the city. She is a welcome beam of positivity within the social media realm and I always look forward to reading her status updates, blog posts and twitter feed. She has the right mix of personality, creativity and stellar communication/PR skills that would make her an excellent addition to the Lululemon team.

  36. Kaylee

    The thing is, this girl will work for lululemon regardless of if you hire her now or in the future. If there is one thing I have learned about Amanda over the past couple of years, it is that she can make stuff happen. She works hard, she sets goals, and she motivates not only herself but everyone around her. If she wants it, she will work until she has it.

    Her personal life story has and continues to be an inspiration to many around her. Amanda beams with energy and excitement about life and she manages to pull it out of every person she meets. She is the kind of friend every person needs, and one I could not imagine not being part of my life.

    Get her while you can LuLu – she is something special.

  37. Pingback: Keeping On-Track | The PR Life

  38. Pingback: Keeping On-Track | The PR Life

  39. Keshia

    The first time I had a conversation with Amanda it felt as though I had known her for years. To be honest, I have no idea her PR background, but what I do know is that she is one of the most genuine people I have ever met. This girl could make friends with a log if she wanted to.

    She is sweet, energetic , compassionate and she loves herself which is something I admire. Throughout the last year of our degree , I saw many of Amanda’s qualities, and one of those is balance. She was able to maintain a healthy lifestyle, succeed in her academics , work at a local restaurant and mostly importantly have a bit of fun with her friends.

    If you want someone on your team who is a beautiful person all around than Amanda is the perfect choice ( and one you won’t regret it)!!!

  40. Carolyn

    Lululemon would be lucky to have a dedicated worker like Amanda! She is such a positive person, with incredible drive and determination. She supports her friends, family and coworkers tirelessly and is an inspiration to those around her. Honest and loyal are another two words that can’t be left out when describing Amanda to others, lulu don’t pass this girl up!

  41. What a great way to demonstrate your drive. Good luck to you.

  42. Colleen

    I don’t know Amanda and I have never heard of Lululemon until I seen Amanda’s blog. But Amanda has inspired me with her motivation and determination to better her life and putting your mind to achieving the things in life that matters to you. Think positive and positive things will happen.

  43. Amanda is one of the most genuine and positive people I’ve ever met, with motivation that is second-to-none. Having a conversation with her is kind of like reading a great book or seeing a feel-good movie… you always leave feeling encouraged, refreshed and just plain happy.

    Her commitment to health, wellness and personal excellence is inspiring and her dedication to pursuing and surpassing goals translates to her role as a communicator. She would be a perfect fit for your team!

  44. happy hippie

    Amanda did you get the hired?

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