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How to create a SP Mod (and skin) Tutorial NOW IN SKINNING TUTORIAL!
May 02 2024 07:42pm

Lian Del Rey
 - Student
Lian Del Rey
I don't know why I'm doing this, but I'm just doing it anyway. There are tutorials on how to make Single Player (SP) maps, but mods.

I'll tell you how to create a mod that replaces models.

Let's say we want to replace Jeditrainer with a Rodian (for whatever reason)

I suggest in the Gamedata folder create a new folder called Jeditrainer to Rodian, or whatever you want to call it. Then open assets0.pk3 with WinZip or WinRAR (WinRAR works for me better than WinZip)

Go to models, players, and then to rodian.
If you want to give it a custom skin, then extract all the files out and edit them. Otherwise, just extract all the cfg files.

Make sure you put them in the right folders.
And presto, you have your own Single Player mod.

Do the same with sound files, except for they're in the sound/chars folder in assets1 not assets0

Get a model, extract the jpgs, and mess with them with some paint program. Adobe Photoshop works good for me.

Well, hope that helped for anybody who bothers to mod/skin.



This post was edited by Lian Del Rey on Jun 09 2003 03:59pm.

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Jun 09 2003 03:58pm

Lian Del Rey
 - Student
 Lian Del Rey


Alright, this tutorial was made to replace skins/models in SP. Right?

Now, this is how you FRIGGEN skin.

I suggest start off with a skin that came with JK2, not a model that a fan made (gets more complicated for a first-time skinner.)

Go to assets0.pk3 in the Gamedata/base folder. Extract all the files and put them in a folder. icon_default lets you change the icon that appears if you want to use that skin.

Also there should be a head.tga so edit that with Photoshop.

And a face.something

And all that. Edit them in any style you want. You should know what part goes where because you're editing a skin you're familiar with, RIGHT?! *glare*

Now after you're done with the skinning, give the skin in a folder a unique name, something no other skin can replace.

Open model_default.cfg with Notepad or something and edit the, for example you're using rodian, /rodian/ to /whateveryourskinsfoldernameis/

Replace them all like that. If you use Notepad, just hit CTRL+H and then /rodian/ and replace with /skinfolderorwhateveryounamedit/

After that, get a pk3 (you can copy one) then open it. Make a folder:


then all your skin files.

Happy skinning! :D

NOTE: Also if you want to do team skins, just use the .cfg model_blue or model_red

Also you can copy the head files and edit them if you want custom heads for the team skins. Then you have to replace everything with the head file to head_whateveryourenamedthecopyto


Feb 28 2003 10:15pm

 - Student

this is skinning, with photoshop/paint, not modelling with a 3d modelling program :D
When you become an actor, you become the person, and you dont act anymore. You just are.
- Tyler HP, Taught by Mr G Simpson

Feb 18 2003 03:22pm

Trad Redav
 - Student
 Trad Redav





what about extracting the .glm???
Well then. Just so you know, just because I don't post often doesn't mean I don't lurk this place multiple times every day...

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