Travis Lumpkin

PC Services
Web Design
:: Prices
Prices of Travis Lumpkin IT servicesPrices

PC services are charged at £5 per quarter hour plus callout fee.  If there is a PC problem I can't fix, there will be no fee!

Hardware, software, domains, hosting and other goods purchased on your behalf are charged at cost plus 5%.


Web Design & Maintenance

Client to supply copy.
“Static” refers to pages that do not include any additional elements such as: JavaScript, Java, CGI and SSI for form mail, counters, or other dynamic content like rollover buttons.

Web Site Hosting

Click on the links for more information about each hosting package.  Purchase these yourself or I can purchase it on your behalf for a 5% fee.
(Prices are subject to VAT)


Callout Fees



Valid HTML 4.01 TransitionalValid CSS!