Yoga Poses for Shoulders

Oh, the shoulder. It’s one of the joints most prone to injury, and the muscles are often tight and inflexible, reducing range of motion. Do you carry all your tension in your shoulders? You are not alone! When we’re stressed in other areas (mentally and physically), the shoulders are likely to creep up towards our ears and tighten. In addition to just plain not feeling well, tight shoulders can results in hunching and a closed chest, limiting many other yoga poses.

Yoga to the rescue! There are a variety of yoga poses that work the shoulder joint and stretch out the muscles surrounding it, including the pectoralis major (pecs), latissimus dorsi (lats), and the rhomboids (see the anatomy lesson below for more info). Stretching these muscles can help improve your shoulder flexibility. Activities such as weight-lifting may strengthen the muscles, but repetitive movement in one direction can also shorten them, causing inflexibility.

Quick anatomy lesson: The pecs are the large chest muscles stretching from the collarbones to the outer upper arms (humerus). The lats are large, flat muscles on the back that start from the pelvis, lower and middle spine and go all the way up to attach at the inner humerus. The rhomboids are located between the spine and shoulder blades and work to move the shoulder blades together.

So now we know we have tight shoulder muscles, and we know specifically what those muscles are, so what are we to do about it?


Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose)


Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Hand Pose)

Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose)


Garudasana, arms only (Eagle Pose)

Balasana (Child’s Pose)

So next time you feel particularly tense in your shoulders, try one of these poses. Some don’t even require a mat! Also, never underestimate the power of a few good shoulder rolls to the back and front. Happy stretching!


Published by tampayoga

Rebecca, owner and Director of Palm Yoga, has been doing yoga since childhood as a way of coping with asthma and allergies. Over the years, she has developed an acute sense of body awareness and an interest in using natural therapies rather than conventional “Western” medicine. Upon moving to Los Angeles in 1997, she formalized her yoga practice and began teaching in 1999. Rebecca worked with several studios in the Los Angeles area and during that time participated in studio management, development of teacher training programs, as well as producing and marketing a beginners yoga video. She has studied with many well known teachers from around the world including Kofi Busia, Rodney Yee and Erich Schiffman. Rebecca holds two teacher certifications, one from Planet Yoga Inc. and another as a Certified Relax and Renew restorative teacher by the foremost restorative teacher in the country, Judith Lasater. She continues to deepen her practice and teaching skills through participating in interesting workshops and training courses. With Palm Yoga, she has taken technical and spiritual knowledge from all of her teachers and combined it with her own unique style of presentation to offer students a pleasing yoga experience. The studio welcomes students of all levels and strives to make everyone feel comfortable and open to learning and experiencing new things. Whether you are looking for weight loss, stress relief or a deeper connection to life, Palm Yoga offers you a way to achieve your desired goals.

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