
I get asked the question a lot: Does the mouthpiece really make much of a difference in my sound? The following is my answer:


Saxophone music is extraordinarily diverse. We hear romantic foo-foo smooth saxophone music perfect for embracing our significant other in front of a crackling fire. We can hear clean classical saxophone heard in a symphony orchestra. And then there is the edgy, growling, foot-stomping saxophone heard at a rock & roll concert. In regards to equipment, the variations in a saxophones sound come primarily from the mouthpiece being used.

In many cases the Smooth Jazz, Classical, and Rock saxophone players are using the exact same saxophone. Have you ever heard of a saxophone designed specifically for classical or rock music? I never have. However, a classical musician would never use the same mouthpiece as a Rock & Roll musician, and vice-versa. Different mouthpieces are absolutely required to get such diverse sounds.

We all play a special instrument indeed! No other wind instrument gets such a variety of sound. Not the clarinet (maybe with the exception of Jimmy Guiffre), the flute, or the Oboe! To get the most unique and individual sound possible one must play the saxophone. And how we individualize the saxophones sound is with our mouthpiece!

Because there are so many types of sound to choose from, and these sounds are created in the mouthpiece, the mouthpiece is arguably the most important part of your entire set-up. It is definitely why I got into the industry of working with, and manufacturing, saxophone mouthpieces. It is a huge avenue for creativity…and I like creativity!

So put simply, my answer is YES!


  1. Professor Silvio Klasmer Says:

    I am a performer musician and professor and teacher, here in Buenos Aires, Argentina since 40 years. My main instruments are the tenor sax and the clarinet, and all my life I use Otto Link mouthpieces. I have to be informed of your interesant mouthpieces and articles, because I give to my pupils several clinics and magistral talks. If you wish send to my e-mail your noveltys and news, that I consider very rich. Sincerely: Prof. Klasmer.

  2. Eegunjobi Says:


    I have tried so many diffrent mouthpieces to obtimize my playing of 1939 Conn 10m ladyface Saxophone.Because of the interest of your DIFFENT dynamics in the constructions of your mouthpieces versus OTTO LINK,JODY JAZZ,and others;I’m willing to definately try out your product. hopefully,i will have all of the BAY AREA saxophone musicians that I know(more than 30),trying your product.

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