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Audition Tips for a Better Audition
Do's and Don'ts in  Audition Preparation.
A  former acting coach of mine once said, "Auditions can be looked upon as the classic love/hate conflict. We want the role, but we dread the auditions." The only way to survive this conflict is to channel your adrenaline through positive preparation and attitude.   I know it sounds difficult, but it can be easier than you think.
Casting Directors DON'T want you to fail. This is one of the greatest misconceptions many actors have. Casting Directors want to see natural  actors. They want you to live moment to moment during the audition. As a performer you must remember acting natural is a craft not a staged event. It takes a lot of work to act natural.
Audition Tips
DO Be Early.
     Try to get there at least ten -fifteen minutes before your audition. It will give you time to loosen up and prepare. Also it makes a good impression.  

DON'T Be Late-
You want Casting Directors to remember you for the right reasons!  
DO Relax.

     Even Casting Directors remember how nerve-racking auditions can be. Relax and do your best. No one's going to shoot you if you don't do well; the worst that will happen is that you don't get the part.
Don't Panic- You have to remember YOU didn't have the part to begin with, so you have lost nothing. You won't always get cast no matter how good you are. Don't take it personally, there will be other auditions.
Do Dress Comfortably.

    I don't go anywhere without a change of clothing and my brush. If the part call for casual wear - wear casual! Nothing is worse than attending a casual wear audition wearing semi-formal wear. Don't laugh, I have seen it before!  Always check with your agent regarding attire for the audition, it will save  you the embarrassment.
Special Note: Wear the same clothes for callbacks as you did for your audition; when they look for that girl in the red dress, you want their eyes drawn to you and not to your competition! Helpful Hint- Keep a journal-noting wardrobe - it will save you the ciaos of trying to remember what you wore during your auditions.  
DO Be friendly.

     When you register for your audition be polite. These people need to know that  they will be able to work with you. Smile. It will help you to relax.

Don't be loud
and obnoxious while waiting for your turn to audition. Others are trying to focus on their audition and so should  you.
Be prepared.
     Directors and Auditioning Boards are always short on pens, scripts and so on. Bring your own
The Icky Part. . .Cold Readings and Ice Cold Readings
At some point you'll be asked to do a dreaded cold reading or ice cold reading. Some auditions are strictly cold readings from the script. If you have a phobia about cold readings, as many do (myself included), practice daily by picking something to read at home. This will condition you to feel comfortable about reading new material. When my children were small, I would read the newspaper to them as if it were a storybook, (mind you it was only the nice articles) By doing this, I was conditioning myself to conquer my phobia of cold/ice cold readings. Callbacks are always readings from the script, so get used to it, it's a fact of life in this industry!
Audition Sides, get a copy of the sides or script ahead of time.     Always ask your agent to fax you the sides. If there are no sides available, attend  the audition earlier than planned to give yourself time to read over the  sides posted at the audition.
Helpful Hint, Remember
during your audition they need to see your face and hear your voice.  Follow down the lines with your thumb so you can look up without getting lost. Try to memorise short bits so  you can be looking up. Glance ahead to your next cue line so you can be looking and reacting to the actor/actress you're reading with. Remember acting is actually  reacting.
Speak up!

     Don't fall into the trap of dropping your voice because your audience is right in front of you. They need to know that the     people in the back of a theatre, auditorium, park, etc. are going to be able  to hear and understand you. Watch your posture!  Stand straight and keep your head up.
Slow down!
     It is not a race! This is your moment to shine. Read your sides and live moment to moment.  It is very common for a person who is  nervous to speed up their speech
.. Remember to vary the pace, volume, inflection, tone, etc. as much as you can but make sure they can hear and understand you! Enunciate! Articulate! Pronunciation!
Play to your audience!

     Your audience at an audition is the Casting Director and Camera. Many times actors will focus on fellow actors and not the directions of the Casting Director.  I have seen too many people at open auditions turn to play it to the rest of  the room. Make every effort not to fall in this common mistake.
Prepared Monologues - Your Time to Shine!
The prepared piece is the actors primary tool. It is what will get you in the door; it will find you an agent!
It's your chance to show them who you are and what you can do
Be prepared!
     I've seen too many people get up for a prepared monologue and read from a book or paper!
Prepared means rehearsed  and off book.  Practice different inflections and interpretations until it feels right. Follow Michael Shurtleff's Guide Posts to character  development. Practice in front of a mirror. Practice in front of anyone who will let  you. Practice in front of a video camera. Critique yourself.  Practice it every chance you get, it's very important.  
Monologue Selections - Choose Them Carefully

     Have at least two contrasting pieces that both show your theatrical range.  Most theatre auditions require this, so have at
least twoready, and keep it under five minutes.
     Too many times actor's choose passive monologues. Choose a piece that builds. Choose a monologue that is  close enough to your theatrical age range and type. Create something new and different  with your character choices. Don't just recreate a famous interpretation. That can  work against you, as you will be compared to the original performer. Don't  use just the popular monologues, you know the ones that everyone has heard. Casting Directors can get  tired of hearing them. Consider performing one or two non-traditional pieces. Whatever you use, find something that speaks from your head and heart and soul. Perform and live the moment. If you enjoy what you're doing, there's a strong chance they'll enjoy  what you're doing and want to work with you. Even if you don't get the part, they will remember you and will be glad to see you again.
Know Your Monologue - An Inside Tip
Many times after an actor has delivered their monologue as they prepared and rehearsed, the casting director will ask the actor to deliver the same monologue as a small child, or another character with different emotions. The reason for this is to see your ability to take direction and to see your theatrical ability and range.   Be Prepared.
Protecting the Sheep from the Wolves  DO YOUR HOMEWORK    information article