In the Media

2004-05-20 Trinidad Guardian: German conquers Web business - Online Paradise
2003-June as part of a study from the Commonwealth Secretariat in London - "Fostering Competitiveness in the Commonwealth through Electronic Commerce"
2003-02-25 Newsday - Launch of Trinidad Hotels, Restaurants and Tourism Association website
2002-06-25 Caribbean E-Business Magazine "No Borders, No Boundaries, No Limits"
2002-05-07 Newsday: "Wilson: Technology must help people"
2002-05-02 Trinidad Guardian: "Local online company speeds up"
2002-05-01 Trinidad Express: "Another avenue to shop online"
2002-04-29 The Wire: (BusinessWire) "Net shopping made easy"
2002-04-26 Trinidad Express: "Manning, Panday lack maturity to solve impasse, says Wilson"
2002-04-11 Trinidad Guardian: "Going to the edge online"
2002-04-04 TTT "T&T This Morning" with Hansley Ajodha and William Latchman (D.O.M.A.)  (1) TV
Note (1) : Windows Media Player required (Windows only)
   Past Events

Mr. Selby Wilson, Secretary General of CANTO and 
Gunther Richter, Managing Director of Ultra Consulting Network and Architect of at the launch in April.

Public Launch of
25 April 2002 at the Hilton Trinidad
Made in Trinidad