Love, Your Mind
"Love, Your Mind" – a national campaign promoting open dialogue and proactive approaches to mental health, provides free online resources and will air mental health awareness PSAs. These PSAs will be featured on UEN-TV, so tune in!
Nearpod Summer PD Playlist
Join the Utah Nearpod Community's summer PD fun! Take courses, attend webinars, or share resources. Past Nearpod PD counts too! Earn points for a chance to win prizes
Teacher Tip: Using and Creating Podcasts in the Classroom
In today’s digital age, integrating modern tools like podcasts into the classroom can significantly enhance the learning experience. 
PDTV: Attending Your First Professional Conference
In this episode of UEN's PDTV, preservice teachers Aniston and Mallory reflect on their first professional conference at the Utah Coalition for Educational Technology (UCET) annual event.


D-Day at Pointe-Du-Hoc
D-DAY AT POINTE-DU-HOC tells the remarkable story of the U.S. Army's 2nd Ranger battalion, led by Lt. Col. James Earl Rudder, which scaled the...


X-31: Breaking The Chain: Lessons Learned
By any measure, the X-31 was a highly successful flight research program at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, now the Armstrong Flight Research...


Mixed Blessings
Vicky dates a new 'Indian' boy. Kookum also finds a new beau, and Hank and Josie aren't sure what to think. A well-timed family picnic turns friction...

NHK World-Japan

Japanology Plus
Fresh insights into Japan. Stories behind Japanese life and culture through the eyes of Peter Barakan, a 45-year resident and watcher of Japan.