Haven't baked bread for a very long time and i had to bake an Italian bread for BBD#32.I was a little hesitant because the fresh yeast in my fridge was a little old and i wasn't sure if my dough would rise nevertheless i tried and .............
"BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN BREAD WAS READY"........Hmmmmm....Nothing like a fresh baked warm bread!!!!!
This bread is adapted from TARLA DALAL'S COOKBOOK

Whole wheat flour 1 cup

all purpose flour 1 cup

Fresh yeast 2 tsp

Sugar 1 tsp

Salt 1 tsp

Sun dried tomato 1/4 cup( soaked in warm water for 10 minutes and chopped

Fresh basil 1/4 cup

Tomato puree 2 tbsp

OLive oil 3 tbsp


Mix the flours together with salt

Add the yeast to warm water with sugar and let it rest for 2 minutes

Add this mixture to the dry flours and knead well for 5 to 7 minutes

Keep it in a warm place , closed and let it rise, nearly for 20 to 25 minutes

Now punch down the dough a little and add the tomatoes, basil and tomato puree and knead again.

If need be add a little more flour and knead applying olive oil

Shape it into a loaf and place it on a greased tray , spray a little warm water, cover it loosely and let it rise again for 20 minutes

Now brush the top with egg wash or milk and bake it at 180C for 20 minutes or till done

Let it cool and slice it


The chewy tomato and the fresh aroma of basil makes the bread really yummy......

Sending this bread to BBD#32 hosted by Family & Food started by
Zorra of 1x umrühren bitte

I guess many of you reading this post might be interested in joining the fun as well, please go over and see what other bakers have baked and do join in as well

till then

happy baking

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