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 Validations in Silverlight using Data Annotation APIs 

Validation is very important when designing the business applications. Silverlight provides a validation framework for validating the properties/data of the class. It is using annotation. Silverlight has different annotation to validate the property.

DLL:  System.componentModel.DataAnnotation

Annotation attributes

[Range] : We can add range on the values of data. For example:

[Range(0, 5000)]    public int ProductID { get; set; }


  [Required] : We can mention if the data can be null or not.

[Required]    public string ProductName { get; set; }


 [RegularExpression] : We can set the pattern for the data. For example.

[RegularExpression(@”^[a-zA-Z”-‘\s]{1,40}$”, ErrorMessage =            “Numbers and special characters are not allowed in the name.”)]

        public string FirstName


            get { return m_FirstName; }




                    new ValidationContext(this, null, null) { MemberName = FirstName }); 

                m_FirstName = value;




 [StringLength]: We can set the length for the string data. Min/Max etc.

[StringLength(8, MinimumLength = 3, ErrorMessage =            “Last name must be between 3 and 8 characters long.”)]

        public string LastName


            get { return m_LastName; }




                    new ValidationContext(this, null, null) { MemberName = “LastName” }); 

                m_LastName = value;




And many more….

Add inside XAML we should do following:

  1.  Binding Mode  should be TwoWay.
  2.  We should set  ValidatesOnExceptions=true and 
  3.   We should set  NotifyOnValidationError=true. 

 For Example:

<TextBox x:Name=”tbIdNumber” Height=”23″ Width=”100″ Text=”{Binding IdNumber, Mode=TwoWay,ValidatesOnExceptions=true, NotifyOnValidationError=true}” /> 

 Let’s Take an Example for above scenario:

Consider we have a class called Voter and we have following constraints Name should not be more than 20 characters, Name and Age should be provided. Age should be more than 18.


  1. Add reference to “System.componentModel.DataAnnotation”
  2. Define a Voter class.
  3. Add Attributes on the properties as shown in the Voter class.

.cs file

public class Voter : INotifyPropertyChanged    {

        private string _name;

        private int _age;


        [StringLength(20,ErrorMessage=”Name length should not be more than 20.”)]

        public string Name


            get { return _name;}

            set {


                       new ValidationContext(this, null, null) { MemberName = “Name” });







        public int Age


            get { return _age; }




                          new ValidationContext(this, null, null) { MemberName = “Age” });

                _age = value;




        #region INotifyPropertyChanged Members

        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

        private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)


            if (PropertyChanged != null)


                PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));






  1. Add XAML Content
  2. Add Two Way Binding, Add set ValidatesOnExceptions=true,NotifyOnValidationError=True.


<UserControl x:Class=”Fir.Nomura.PortfolioAnalysis.Voter”    xmlns=”;







        <BO:Voter x:Name=”voterObj”



    <Grid x:Name=”LayoutRoot” Background=”White”

          DataContext=”{StaticResource voterObj}”



            <ColumnDefinition Width=”*”/>

            <ColumnDefinition Width=”*”/>



            <RowDefinition Height=”Auto”/>

            <RowDefinition Height=”Auto”/>


        <TextBlock Text=”Name” Grid.Column=”0″ Grid.Row=”0″/>

        <TextBox Text=”{Binding Name,Mode=TwoWay,ValidatesOnExceptions=true,NotifyOnValidationError=True}”




        <TextBlock Text=”Age” Grid.Column=”0″ Grid.Row=”1″/>

        <TextBox Text=”{Binding Age,Mode=TwoWay,ValidatesOnExceptions=true,NotifyOnValidationError=True}”







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