Google se lance dans le marché de l’e-reputation

Publié: 25/03/2011 par Jonathan Fontaine dans Social CRM
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Notre avis : Les marques n’appartiennent plus aux entreprises mais aux consommateurs qui ont une liberté d’expression et une visibilité énorme sur le web. L’article ci dessous décrit clairement ce constat en parlant de la société DecorMyEyes qui s’est vue se faire baisser son PageRank par Google. En effet, cette société avait obtenue un PageRank trés important grâce à une vague d’avis négatifs sur ses prestations.

Ce ne sont que des suppositions, mais si google se lance dans cette direction, les entreprises devront redoubler d’effort pour véhiculer une bonne image.

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Since January, Google has been leaving a trail of evidence indicating that it wishes to become a player in online conversations monitoring

Last November the New York Times described the un-ethical business practices of the online eyewear vendor DecorMyEyes. The website was very well ranked in many popular Google search results related to designer glasses. Thanks to numerous consumer complaints on opinion-sharing websites, DecorMyEyes received many backlinks from popular websites and benefited from an increasing PageRank.

To prevent scammers from gaining any visibility thanks to consumer complaints, Google decided to penalize websites receiving too much negative content. Of course integrating automatic sentimenting to the algorithm had its downfall; all controversial or political content was bound to be penalized. To counter this effect, Google decided to blacklist a limited number of e-commerce websites that receive an unusual amount of flak from consumers.

Last month the Mountain View firm announced another feature and technological advancement: “reading level analysis”. Thanks to asynchronous training done with University level literature professors, Google’s algorithms can now detect a website’s “reading level” and divide it up in three categories: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.

What should strike the industry specialists is the use of automated text analysis (complexity and sentimenting) by the Internet giant that silently guides many strategic decisions in terms of e-reputation (monitoring, SEO, social media presence…). This technological power could be used for other means than feeding quality results to a search engine, for example, it could be used to enter the web and social media monitoring market with its own solution, or it could supply a robust API to monitoring platforms. We can speculate both ways.


Why Google could decide to partner up with one, or many social media monitoring platforms while staying out themselves from the e-reputation market:

  • Their core business is still search and information organization. It always comes back to selling more and better AdWords (95% of revenue). For this reason the company might not want to enter a market that won’t generate revenue for its profitable AdWords division.
  • Google has historically opened up APIs and good quality code to its user base, such as the Google Prediction API that could be used to analyze the sentiment or language of conversations. The most notable example in the sector is the Ad Planner API that can now be used by monitoring solutions to deliver traffic estimates alongside the traditional results they display (mention, sentiment, influence…)
  • This “openness” seems to indicate a commercial disinterest in internalizing and creating a product for conversation analysis.
  • The technology used to sentiment the pages the Google bot crawls is out-sourced to a partner company.

Here’s a quick (and ugly) mock-up of what Google could add right away to its Google Alerts

Why Google could decide to launch its own social media monitoring platform:

  • Historically, Mountain View’s firm launches products on its own. The company rarely participates in joint-ventures.
  • Google is guided by technological innovations and looking for new ways to generate revenue (the Google Prediction API is now paying) A social media monitoring tool dedicated to e-reputation would complete quite nicely the Google Analytics, Alerts and AdPlanner tools.
  • The e-reputation market is growing fast and will be valued around $3.1 billion in 2013… to keep the market capitalization growing maybe they might try and seize the opportunity.

Google should define its positioning more clearly in 2011. Until then, we will be watching closely.

  1. Clement dit :

    Merci pour le lien! 😉

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    Bonne journée,

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