100% WONKYFIED | A Reina Tanaka and Seo Hyun Fan Blog

Seo Hyun and Her Ideal Man
March 20, 2010, 6:08 pm
Filed under: Girls' Generation, KPOP, Seo Hyun, SNSD | Tags: , ,

Seo Hyun did reveal her ideal man but she didn’t mention names, it’s better that way in my opinion for there’s only one name that will roll out of  Seo Hyun’s tongue, and that’s, Captain Jack Sparrow. Choosing her ideal type of guy suddenly is not due to a certain reason that I can clearly see lingering in your mind right now as you read this, I know, it’s not that, and we should all know by know that Seo Hyun is not interested in the opposite sex, or maybe not yet. The reason is the 6th annual Mister World Contest to be held in Incheon on 27th of this month. Prior to meeting the representatives of the international handsome men Seo Hyun revealed her qualification of her Mr. Right.

Seo Hyun preferred personality over appearance(oh hells yeah!!!) and the same qualification is chosen by her fellow member Sunny and Yuri. I don’t believe that there is a man in this world that has the ability to win Seo Hyun’s heart by his looks alone. Unless he’s green and wears a yellow headgear with a red star on it. LOL. For her keyword Seo Hyun chose courtesy I can’t explain that so here’s what Seo Hyun have to say about it:

“Courtesy is the most important factor. I wish he was a guy who can understand from the opposite point of view, and someone who I can always interact with a smile. Seeing a guy like him will probably make me feel better as well.”

Reading Seo Hyun’s words about suddenly make me feel a better man. < That is so weird. I just can’t believe I said that. Anyway that’s about it, and now we know or at least have an idea who is Seo Hyun’s ideal man and it’s not one of us. LOL. By the way if you are reading this sentence I would like to thank you for reading the full post and please visit this blog again. Don’t forget to pimp the Seo Hyun love!

The rest of each SNSD member’s ideal man article is on my Kpop Kimchi blog.

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seo hyun!u’re cute n cool

Comment by sophie

Seohyun you so cute=)

Comment by rabiatul adawiyah nordin

seohyun 4ever<3

Comment by FanZSNSD

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