Derek Sivers

Derek Sivers

Idealism is a Path to Profitability

Date of Interview: 15.12.11

Derek tells the story of how he started a multi million dollar business by acident, and how being idealist is about making the world a better place but not getting stuck in perfectionism.

Brett Thomas

Brett Thomas

You don't have to be Integral to practice Integral Leadership

Date of Interview: 01.12.11

Brett Thomas makes a whirlwind tour through the nature of leadership, why it’s crucial for creating conscious business, and why Integral Leadership can be the ipod of conscious change work.

David Allen

David Allen

Mind Like Water: Clarity through Getting Things Done

Date of Interview: 24.11.11

David Allen brings to bear his practical clarity on how being conscious is about making the implicit explicit, and how his work with Holacracy has both taken the pressure off his own leadership and filled out the practice of effectiveness in his own work.

Diederick, Jeroen, and Ewan

Diederick, Jeroen, and Ewan

What is Work to You?

Date of Interview: 30.06.11

The tables are turned as previous guest Barrett Brown interviews the hosts of the series on their experiences, and what work means to them.

Fred Kofman

Fred Kofman

Entering the Marketplace with Open Hands

Date of Interview: 16.06.11

Fred Kofman brings his immense wisdom and presence to a beautiful call covering the meaning of work to him, his spiritual practices, and the ultimate purpose of business.

Cindy Wigglesworth

Cindy Wigglesworth

The Nuts and Bolts of Spiritual Intelligence

Date of Interview: 09.06.11

Cindy Wigglesworth takes us through her work on spiritual intelligence, how it is helping bring purpose into the workplace, and how to practice accessing our higher selves in the moment.

Barrett Brown

Barrett Brown

Conscious Leadership in Action: Research from the Trenches

Date of Interview: 02.06.11

Barrett Brown shares his just published findings on how deeply conscious sustainability leaders work with complex change, and how to hold the space for natural development.

Otto Scharmer

Otto Scharmer

Transforming Capitalism through Presence

Date of Interview: 26.05.11

In a remarkable interview, Otto Scharmer speaks into the future of capitalism, Work with a capital ‘W’ and his most recent insights that he’s formulating for his forthcoming book.

Rand Stagen

Rand Stagen

Leaders get the Organisations they Deserve

Date of Interview: 19.05.11

Rand Stagen tells the inspiring story of how he brought spirituality and consciousness into business through his innovative consulting company, and how his biggest learning has been that leaders always get the organisations they deserve.

Bill Torbert

Bill Torbert

Deep Inquiry is at the Heart of Business Transformation

Date of Interview: 12.05.11

Bill Torbert explains how real organisational transformation only happens in very specific circumstances brought about by deep personal inquiry.

Bill Joiner

Bill Joiner

Expanding your Leadership Repertoire

Date of Interview: 05.05.11

Bill Joiner shares his work around Leadership Agility, and the challenges of today’s business landscape .

Bob Anderson

Bob Anderson

Effective Leadership Requires Upgrading your Operating System

Date of Interview: 28.04.11

Bob Anderson shares how hard business can be, and the need for leaders to upgrade their conscious operating system to become effective.

Susanne Cook-Greuter

Susanne Cook-Greuter

Waking up is a Developmental Process

Date of Interview: 21.04.11

Adult development expert Dr. Susanne Cook Greuter tells the story of development and how a desire for Conscious Business only kicks in at a very high level of consciousness.

Tami Simon

Tami Simon

Even Sages Need a Business Model

Date of Interview: 14.04.11

Sounds True founder Tami Simon talks about her experiences creating her business outside the normal rules of the game.

Jeff Klein

Jeff Klein

Work is Love Made Visible

Date of Interview: 07.04.11

Jeff Klein talks about his 30 year journey working in Conscious Business, and how for him, work is really an expression of love and service, as captured in the Khalil Gibran quote above.

Brian Robertson

Brian Robertson

Business Doesn't Need More 'Conscious Leadership'

Date of Interview: 31.03.11

Brian Robertson drills into what the organisation of the future could look like, how conscious leadership alone won’t cut it, and how the old predict and control methods are fast becoming obsolete.

Tony Schwartz

Tony Schwartz

More Sleep at Work Helps us Wakeup

Date of Interview: 24.03.11

Bestselling author Tony Schwartz extolls the importance of creating personal energy at work, and the necessity for organisations to have beds in the office where people can sleep! If we do that, maybe it will wake up the workplace 🙂

Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson

Consciousness is our Greatest Asset

Date of Interview: 17.03.11

Entrepreneur and Philosopher Brian Johnson talks about how consciousness is our greatest asset, and the importance of purpose in business.