About Warwick Shire Horse Carriages

Thank you for visiting my web site. I just wanted to tell you a little bit about myself, and how this business started.

Horses have been part of my life from a very early age. My parents wintered pony trekking horses on our family farm when I was young and, when I was older I took a part time job working with driving horses on weddings, funerals and demonstrations. We used both carriage horses and heavy horses for these jobs and it was from this that my affinity with driving horses and my love of Shire horses developed.

When I was 15 my father brought two Shire horses, Prince and Dan, to do working demonstrations on our farm. These were experienced horses who had seen something of life and taught us both a lot about how we should and shouldn't do the job!

After attending an equine Studies course at Warwickshire College, Moreton Morrell, I spent three years working for one of the countries top trade show teams.

I had lost Prince during this time due to old age and, as I had no interest in any other type of work a new show mate was found for Dan and my business was born.
I now have three Shire Horses (Dan retired a few years ago) who are regularly out attending weddings, funerals and demonstrating traditional skills as well as competing at National and Local shows (I attended 8 county level shows in 2008) and ploughing matches. In addition to the work with my own horses I also undertake training and education of all types of horses for many disciplines.

Meet the horses

As I mentioned I have three Shire Horses, Barron, Tom and Captain, Pictured at rest here.

The horses are stabled as little as possible because they are much happier out in the field.

Their favorite past times are eating grass and rolling (the muddier the spot to roll the better)!!