Do’s and Don’ts of Brunch

Emily already shared with you the official Emily Post do’s and don’ts for foods that you might eat at brunch, but this list is less about etiquette and more about ways to get the most out of your brunch experience:

DO: Give yourself plenty of time to enjoy your brunch. What’s the point of having a nice weekend meal if you’re just going to rush through it en route to activity #2?

DON’T: Order the same dish at every single brunch. Sure, I love Eggs Benedict, but I don’t get it every weekend. After all, you don’t want to get tired of your favorite food–and who knows what new favorite you might stumble upon when you’re ordering something different?

DO: Ask your friends and browse the blogs before choosing a restaurant AND before ordering. Some restaurants are great for dinner, but may have a lackluster brunch (or vice versa). Or, some restaurants might have a delicious omelette, but a soggy Croque Madame. Do your research before you head out so that you don’t wind up at a lackluster brunch place with a sub-par meal.

DON’T: Listen to everything you read. This contradicts my “do” from above, but remember to read all reviews with a critical eye. Not only do peoples’ preferences differ, but restaurants can also have an off day–or even a single mis-cooked dish. At our bloggers’ brunch, Claudia’s poached egg was overcooked, but everyone else who ordered the same dish had eggs that were cooked properly.

DO: Pick a spot with bottomless drinks or some sort of prixe fixe menu if you plan on drinking. Like always, brunch drinks can get expensive and put a nice dent in your wallet if you’re not careful. If you plan on having a boozy brunch (which I highly recommend), check beforehand and see if you can find a place that has a cocktail special.

DON’T: Go to a nice brunch if you’re too hungover. Sure, a nice greasy meal is all you crave when you’re hungover–and certainly give in to those cravings–but make sure you’re not wasting your money on a good brunch when you’re too sick/heachachey to enjoy it. Opt for a lower end meal on those days when your head is pounding, and save the must-try hot spots for mornings when your body is functioning a bit better.

DO: Call ahead if you have any food allergies. This goes for any meal, especially if you’re going during peak service times. Most restaurants are fairly accommodating about dietary restrictions, but it helps to give them a heads up so that your service isn’t slowed down by any menu editing you have to do.

DON’T: Fill up on bread! Some brunch places will start you off with bread or muffins of some sort–and while they’re usually beyond delicious, remind yourself that you still have a full meal ahead of you. It’s an awful feeling to get your main course and realize that you’re already full from all of your earlier carbo loading.

About Rachel

Life is an adventure. Live it.
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