We shop second hand. And we’re fine with it.

In an effort to redeem ourselves to those who think we’re crazy because of our idea of ‘shopping’, we’re joining the world of bloggers.

Mother and daughter team, here is our attempt at an introduction. I am a mother of two young girls. I like to dress up, I like to dress my kids up. I love shopping. And the person that I have learned from, is my mother. While a love for shopping and pretty things seems to be built into our genetic make up… so is the love for a good deal.

Thrift store shopping is something that we’ve become ‘taken with’ over the past few years. This blog will serve as our testimony that you don’t have to spend lots to have nice things. And really, the hunt is fun. Sure the clientele in a second hand store differs from walking into Holt Renfew (some times a lot). Sure there are smells, people and aisles you may want to avoid. But the hunt is fun, and when you find something fabulously beautiful… it’s pretty exciting. I tend to shake and have heart palpitations.  And will we shop in the same store as the 65 year old man that frequents the ladies underwear section, same time every day? For Hermes scarf at $1.99, yes. Yes we will. And we have. Three times.

We’ve had many cases of the ‘right place right time’. One morning I was in our local Value Village and noticed a large array of gorgeous dresses behind the ‘show case’ (I know, I know… show case ha ha). They were all several sizes to big for me, so I made a few phone calls and told a few people to pop in and take a peek. Chole, Michael Kors, etc. Not your average thrift store finds! When my Mom and a friend met us there, we overheard the story. A lady had dropped off these dresses, all on dry cleaner hangers and like new, along with a few boxes of shoes. Shoes in our size…

We spent 20 minutes and $1200 at Value Village that day. We figured we’d get our own parking spots. We didn’t. But we had about $20,000 worth of designer items, so we didn’t complain. The shoes, all new that I left with included two pairs by Prada, one pair by Jil Sanders, two by Christian Dior and a brand new red soled pair of Christian Louboutin’s. My Mom left with two of the most beautiful pairs of Miu Miu ballet flats. Each boasting Swarovski Crystals on the toes. Also Prada boots, Prada flats and a lovely pair of Christian Louboutin’s. Our friend scored the biggest (and spent the most). Chanel boots, two pairs of Louis Vuitton slides, and the list goes on. I also picked up a goegous Michael Kors dress (which I loved so much I had it altered as it was too big) for $7.99 and a wool Miu Miu car coat, also $7.99 (retailed around $1800).

We may be crazy, but we’re not stupid.

Some people sing well, some people can paint. Some people are good with numbers. We can spot a diamond on a heap of coal. Here we will share our little treasures and perhaps inspire others to treasure hunt too!

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7 thoughts on “We shop second hand. And we’re fine with it.

  1. Jacki Tokaryk says:

    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, it is genetics!!!! We love to look good and we love a good deal!!!! I’ll be following the blog to find out your newest, most wonderful and exciting finds!! Shop ’till you drop ladies! J

  2. Selena says:

    Wow, what a great shopping day. What part of the world are you in?

  3. mommymoxie says:

    I too am a huge second hand shopper but have yet to find Prada or Miu Miu! It sounds like you have a great source of terrific finds-I’ll be following to see what else you discover 🙂

    • Diane says:

      I just found your blog!
      Im even more excited to learn you’re finding these in Vancouver!
      Coming from a small town and moving to Van next month, I’m really excited to check out some REAL thrift stores (because let’s be honest, you’re just NOT going to get finds like this in a small town thrift store).
      Now I’m even more excited….

  4. Joanne says:

    Bring me along….I want to be a discount fashionista like you all!!

  5. Koby's Cache says:

    Inspiring! My daughters and I love to thrift shop as well. I generally look for depression glass and vintage china, the girls love the clothes. they do very well finding upscale jeans and Ts even silk dresses for a fraction of the price. You have renewed their determination to make those “finds”!

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