Stop the presses!!! This just in!

Just finished these two pieces for the July 2 show “Sacre du Printemps”. I’m still tweaking  the large pastel “The dock in April 2” (it’s hyper genial/ très cool in person)


About Walter Cumming

Walter has created several travel portfolios for publication and for gallery shows. This will be his first live blog with sketchbook images uploaded from on location. Walter Cumming created award winning art for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution for 28 years. In 2008 he chose to leave the paper and become a full time, independent artist. In his final year at the AJC, Cumming received his highest national and international recognition, winning both the 2008 Best of Cox portfolio for illustration and first place for illustration in the 2008 international Society of Newspaper Design.
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2 Responses to Stop the presses!!! This just in!

  1. Sally Sams says:

    Nice. The first picture took me back. John Wilber and I were inseparable when we were really young. Every time we arrived at the dock in the summer, John would hop along that bank, hoping to make frogs emerge. I can see his big old pigeon-toed feet right now!

  2. Doug Cumming says:

    Love the glimpses of the dock in the chilly spring.
    From over here in Italy, read a good Jay Bookman account of opening day of 11th Circuit Court hearing on the constitutional challenge to Affordability Act, but couldn’t find other coverage or courtroom sketches online. Come stai?

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