Update: I have transformed this blog so many times in the wake of one year – it’s unreal. It all started when I was pregnant with my first son to oppose the proposed closure of the Whittington A&E and maternity unit.

I then blogged about the traumatic birth experience I had and it really helped to come to terms with it.

No sooner had I managed to start breastfeeding my son that the post of the specialist breastfeeding midwife in Haringey was cut so together with other mums and dads I founded the Keep Haringey Breastfeeding Campaign and used this blog to update everyone about the campaign.

I then went back to work and announced my retirement from this blog.It lasted just over two months.

Now I am back because I feel I have to speak out against the cuts. My son is seven months old and I want him to have a good future. I am worried that the  current government is putting such a future for him and his generation in jeopardy. Too scared to join the protests in central London because of the way the police is using violence indiscriminately against peaceful protesters and violent thugs this blog provides a safe place for me to speak out.


Update: It seems like the minute I start using a health service it’s about to be cut. This time it’s the breastfeeding support in Haringey. Please help me and other mothers – click here !


Update: On 19 may the new Health Secretary Andrew Lansley called a halt to the previous process of closing the Whittington A&E.

On 2 June Lynne Featherstone reported that the North Central London NHS had started the review and that this time it would be genuinely local. Well – let’s wait and see.


Update: On 22 May my son was born at the Whittington.


Update: On 29 April we won the campaign to save the Whittington. Click here to find out more.

Thanks so much to everyone who has helped to make it happen.

I will keep this blog going to monitor the situation, report about the last weeks of my pregnancy and make sure that the promises made will be honoured. So do bear with me for a little bit longer.

In the meantime I hope you are all celebrating this amazing victory ! We deserve it 🙂


Who am I ?

My name is Sara and I am currently 30 weeks pregnant with my first son. This means I have roughly two and a half months to go before giving birth.

I live in Wood Green, North London and I plan to give birth at the Whittington Hospital in Archway.

The bump and me opposing cuts to Whittington A&E and maternity units

Why am I doing this ?

As those of you who have children or have been around expecting parents know pregnancy is a time of great joy and expectations but also a time of  some worry: How will I cope with giving birth? What do I need to buy for my baby? Breast or bottle feeding? Will I be a good parent?

As if all this is not enough to worry about North London NHS bosses have just given me another major headache: The proposed closure of the maternity and A&E unit (including special children’s A&E area) at the Whittington Hospital !

Thanks, Guys ! I could have really done without your ridiculous cost-cutting plans !  They will put my family and me and thousands of others in North London at great risk !

And to all of those NHS technocrats out there – PLEASE don’t try to argue with me on this one:  Getting all the long, long way from Wood Green to Euston or Hampstead in an emergency WILL put our lives at risk. You might think this is an acceptable risk to take for cutting costs – but it’s MY life and I disagree. And so would you if you were in my shoes.

The dangerous cuts are on the table so instead of wishing for a more care-free pregnangy I better get blogging and tell you about me, my baby and the Whittington and why we need to oppose the closure of the Whittington A&E if we want to keep our families and ourselves save.

Luckily, I am not on my own. The Defend the Whittington Hospital Coalition has set up a tremendous campaign with support from pretty much every reasonable person in North London and beyond. They are doing a fantastic job ! So let my voice be one of many, many others in support of the campaign.

If you have not yet signed the petition and pledged to support us PLEASE CLICK HERE.

Click here for the main facts and figures.

You are very welcome to comment on my blog. You can also e-mail me: whittingtonmum[AT]googlemail.com

6 Responses to “About Whittington Mum”

  1. Zozi Goodman Says:

    Hi Sara, love your blog, it’s so absolutely spot on about what such a savage cut to NHS services would mean in real practice to people. I spotted you on the march and thought your T-shirt fantastic!

    Do you know about Haringey Families? They are a great parents organisation who have fantastic nearly-new sales and a good newsletter and events as well, well worth checking out.

    Thanks for the mention of the DWHC, we appreciate it.

    Joint chair, Defend Whittington Hospital Coalition

  2. […] the Defend the Whittington Hospital Coalition has left a comment here yesterday mentioning another local parenting group called Haringey Families. I must admit that […]

  3. Hi Zozi,

    Thanks a lot for your lovely comment and for all you are doing for the campaign to save the Whittington. It’s briliant for local peope like me to have such a well-organised campaign to help us get our voices heard.

    I am happy to share the blog with any other Whittington service users who want to tell their experiences. Get in touch !

    Thanks also for mentioning Haringey Families. I have never heard of them before but will def. check them out. Are they affiliated with the Coalition?

    The National Childbirth Trust (NCT)

  4. karen Says:

    Hi Sara, I have been campaigning on the proposed down grading of the Whittington and would like to invite you to an event tomorrow afternoon if you are availabe. I am holding a press event with the Royal College of Midwives their General Secretary Cathy Warwick and Midwives from the Whittington plus some local mum.
    Please let me know if you’d like to be involved. My best wishes Karen

  5. Hi Karen,

    thanks for organising this event. It sounds really interesting. I’d love to come so please e-mail details.

    If I manage to go I will report back on this blog as many people have been asking me questions specifically about the maternity services closures.

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