'Rubber & Date Stamps X-stampers, Embossing press, Company seals - WesternPrinters', 'description' => 'Western-Printers provides a selection of rubber stamps and stamping methods at great prices, visit us online or call 020 7631 5225 for more information.', 'keywords' => 'rubber stamps, date stamps, self inking stamps, pre inked stamps, company seals', 'vip_links' => 'modules/lib/vip_links.html', 'main_nav' => 'modules/lib/nav.html', 'page_class' => get_page_name(), 'wp_content' => 'modules/lib/pages/rubber_stamps.html', 'footer' => 'modules/lib/footer.html' // parse template file ); $tp->parseTemplate($tags); // display generated page echo $tp->display(); ?>