1 Out 2 People Will Die from a Heart Attack or Stroke.
What Are You Doing To Protect Yourself from This Killer Disease?


Ronald Grisanti D.C., D.A.B.C.O., D.A.C.B.N., M.S.

Dear Patients, Subscribers, Members and Friends,

Despite the "progress" of medical science over the last two decades, 50% of all Americans still die of cardiovascular disease.

Think about that.

Half of the people reading this report are going to die of heart attacks and strokes; half your family members are going to die of heart attacks or strokes; you, if you can reduce yourself to a statistic for a moment, stand a 50% chance of dying of a heart attack or a stroke.

In other words, we are all more likely to die of a heart attack or a stroke than of all other causes of death put together.

Medical science has failed to stop this lethal epidemic.

If you study the literature, you will find that heart disease can be reduced to one important concept:

Oxidative Damage & Free Radicals

Take a minute to educate yourself about Free-Radicals and the harmful effects they have on your body!

Let me explain... Every day you are constantly exposed to the harmful effects of free-radical damage in your body. Your body is comprised of billions of cells held together by electronic bonds. When a molecule loses one of its electron pairs it becomes unstable... what we call a free-radical.

With one of the electrons gone, the cell is unprotected and is vunerable to damage.
With one of the electrons gone, the cell is unprotected and is vunerable to damage.
These free-radicals will try to replace their lost electron by attacking nearby healthy molecules. As they attack, they transform healthy molecules into more free-radicals... this sets in motion a chain-reaction called oxidative stress which can damage a million or more molecules.

When your cell loses one of its electrons, the cell becomes unstable.
When your cell loses one of its electrons, the cell becomes unstable.
As described... this oxidative process is the literal decay of otherwise healthy tissue! Everyday in our environment, we see evidence of this destructive oxidation process at work... a rusting piece of metal... fruits and vegetables left to air, quickly spoil... even that old tire left outside in the sun, becomes hard and brittle after a time.

In our bodies this same oxidative force -- set in motion by free-radicals -- is thought to be responsible for hardening of the arteries, plaque build-up, heart attacks, strokes, etc.

1 Out 2 People Will Die from a Heart Attack or Stroke. What Are You Doing To Protect Yourself from This Killer Disease?READ EVERY WORD OF THIS SPECIAL REPORT

What is the Main Cause of Oxidative Damage?

Oxidative damage occurs when antioxidants are not adequate to fight off the amount of free radicals being generated.

If your body's antioxidant system does not respond to stop these increased levels of free radicals, oxidative damage to the heart muscle can result.

Oxidative stress can also impair the inner layer of cells that line blood vessels, to expand and dilate in response to blood flow leading to arrhythmia and heart attack.

Sorry to tell you, but there are no drugs that can correct oxidative damage and free radicals gone wild.

The good news for us is that there are ways to correct the causes of cardiovascular disease nutritionally.

Unfortunately, most physicians are not trained in nutrition and will never share what you are about to read.



  • Carnosine: strengthens and protects the heart and improves circulation.

  • Betaine: lowers homocysteine, the number one risk factor for heart attacks and strokes.

  • Carnitine: strengthens the heart muscle, while lowering both elevated cholesterol and triglycerides.

  • Coenzyme Q-10: energizes and protects the heart, while protecting against atherosclerosis.

  • Palm tocotrienols: clears serum lipids and protect the vascular system.

  • Gamma tocopherol: protects and strengthens the heart and preserves the integrity of the vascular system.

  • Glucosamine: maintains the structural integrity of arterial basement membranes.

  • Chondroitin Sulfate: reverses atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries, protects against blood clots, strengthens the heart, and lowers cholesterol and triglycerides.

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid: prevents atherosclerosis, and particularly lowers triglycerides.



  • Carnosine has been found to increase blood flow in the heart.
  • Carnosine has been shown to increase the strength of heart contractions

    start quoteIn the group of rats treated with carnosine, the death rate after a heart attack was decreased (from 55% to 17%)end quote


    In humans, carnosine levels decline with age. Muscle carnosine concentration decreases 63% from age 10 to age 70.


    Betaine has been shown to decrease the incidence of thrombo embolisms (blood clots).

    Research has also shown that betaine (when combined with just very small amounts of vitamin B6 and folic acid will lower elevated homocysteine levels.

    Nothing else comes close to this powerful combination in lowering homocysteine.

    start quoteIn 1992, researchers at Harvard University School of Public Health showed that men with homocysteine levels only 12% higher than average had 3.4 times greater risk of heart attack than those with normal levels. Also that year, the European Journal of Clinical Investigation showed that 40% of stroke victims have elevated homocysteine levels compared to only 6% of controls.end quote


    Carnitine is referred to the heart protective nutrient.

    Carnitine supplementation is one of the most effective ways to lower elevated triglycerides (one of the few primary risk factors for heart attacks and strokes).

    Just what does carnitine do?

  • improves fat metabolism in the heart (as well as other organs)

  • decreases angina pain

  • is a vasodilator of blood vessels, and lowers blood pressure.

  • decreases the elevated LDH levels

  • decreases the incidence of arrythmias

  • decreases peripheral vascular disease.

  • decreases congestive heart failure.

  • has a dramatic impact on decreasing triglycerides.

    Are you beginning to appreciate the power you have to stop the progression of CVD, and in fact, to reverse it in many cases?

    Remember the facts


    CO-ENZYME Q-10

    Let us take a quick look now at the co-enzyme Q-10 that plays an important role your battle against heart disease.

    Co-Q10 is a powerful anti-oxidant that participates in several of the anti-oxidant systems.

    There are not too many nutrients that are more universally needed, and have more functions than Co-Q10.


    There is one crucial consideration with respect to Co-Q10.

    Co-Q10 supplements are available in both dry powder and fat soluble form.

    Guess which one is more biologically active?

    Guess which one appears in 90+% of all nutrition supplements that contain Co-Q10?

    Consider these facts.

    In a recent clinical study, five hours after taking a 30 milligram dose of fat soluble Co-Q10, blood levels of Co-Q10 had increased by 237%.

    Meanwhile, five hours after a 30 milligram dose of the dry Co-Q10, the blood level increase was 112%.

    In other words, the fat soluble form was absorbed more than twice as well as the dry form.

    Another study looked at the effect of Co-Q10 supplementation in either dry or oil soluble form over a period of 30 days.

    After 30 days the fat soluble Co-Q10 group had increased their basal blood levels by 265%, while the dry formulation group only showed an increase of 180%.

    Clearly, if you want the maximum benefit from Co-Q10 you want to use the fat soluble form.

    You Need To Know This

    All the marvelous research on the effects of Co-Q10 on heart disease and other serious diseases used a therapeutic dose in the range of 90-120 milligrams.

    Yet, the typical Co-Q10 product available either in the health food store or from professionals such as yourself contained a paltry 10-30 milligrams, and was very expensive at that.

    So -- what has been happening over so many years is that people go to their health food stores or their nutritionists and buy Co-Q10 in the therapeutically insignificant dose, spend a fortune on taking it for a few months, see no subjective or objective evidence of change in their health, and give up on it.

    They had gold in their hands and let it slip through their fingers.

    You have just learned that the fat soluble form of Co-Q10 is more than twice as biologically active as the dry form.

    Now consider this.

    Since most clinical studies with Co-Q10 use the dry powder form in determining the effective clinical dosage, you must realize that if you are getting fat soluble Co-Q10 you are actually getting a far higher dose than you may think.

    The Benefits of Co-Enzyme Q-10 Have Been Found To:

  • Prevent myocardial failure
  • Improve cardiac response to exercise
  • Lower high blood pressure
  • Reduce angina
  • Prevent arrythmias
  • Quench free radicals
  • Increase biochemical energy production


    Are You Certain You Are Taking The "CORRECT" Vitamin E?


    The Mixed Tocopherols and Tocotrienols

    The mixed tocopherols represent the complete vitamin E family -- alpha, beta, gamma, and delta tocopherols.

    There is a lot of confusion among both the lay public and among doctors about vitamin E.

    Vitamin E is thought of, and properly so, as an antioxidant. Most people also think of Vitamin E primarily as alpha tocopherol, or, as one of the alpha tocopherol esters. As it turns out, what most people consider to be …


    Its antioxidant activity is positively dwarfed by the antioxidant activity of gamma tocopherol particularly, and the other tocopherols as well.

    But the thing you need to be most aware of regarding the tocotrienols is that they MUST be derived from palm.

    The few nutrition companies who are promoting a tocotrienol product are using a vastly inferior source. They are deriving their tocotrienols from rice bran.

    The reason this is a problem is because the tocotrienols from rice bran are almost totally lacking in the delta fraction of tocotrienols, which is by far the most biologically active antioxidant of the tocotrienol family.

    So, the situation is this -- all the research done on the tremendous benefits of tocotrienols is done with tocotrienols derived from palm, which are very high in delta tocotrienol, while the pill peddlers are trying to sell you a tocotrienol product derived from rice bran, which is (obviously) cheaper in price, but gives you only a small portion of the benefits demonstrated in the scientific literature.

    When you see Vitamin E on the label of a nutrition supplement, it is almost always one of the various forms of alpha tocopherol. It doesn't matter whether the label says alpha tocopherol, alpha tocopheryl succinate, alpha tocopheryl acetate, vitamin E, natural vitamin E, or whatever, it is certain to be an alpha derivative.

    Now, when you see vitamin E on the label of foods and cosmetics, what kind of vitamin E do you have? Almost invariably you have mixed tocopherols. Why?

    While the label of the food or the cosmetic may be designed to imply that the vitamin E is there for your health benefit -- they may have labeled it vitamin E, or even natural vitamin E -- the truth is that that vitamin E is in the food or the cosmetic not for your benefit but to protect the product itself.

    In other words, to protect flavor and color, and to prevent the oxidative destruction of the critical components of the food or cosmetic, the manufacturer desperately needs a powerful antioxidant.

    Guess what's in there? Mixed tocopherols.

    The point is that when you want a no holds barred antioxidant for a knock down drag out fight with oxidative stressors, you don't fool around with the form of vitamin E they put in vitamin pills.


    Gamma tocopherol has been measured in scientific research to be far more potent than alpha tocopherol in suppressing free radicals in living organisms.

    It is interesting to note that alpha tocopherol can actually displace gamma tocopherol in living tissues.

    So, now think about all the people that are taking 400, 800, or more international units of vitamin E each day in the belief that they are getting antioxidant protection, when actually they are destroying the most potent (and all too rare) antioxidant of all, gamma tocopherol.

    This is not to say that alpha tocopherol is bad. Quite the contrary. One form of alpha tocopherol, the ester alpha tocopheryl succinate is more effective in its role as an anti-thrombic agent than any of the other tocopherols, and it is more effective in boosting immune function.

    Interestingly, there is research showing that the combination of gamma tocopherol plus alpha tocopheryl succinate gives synergistic benefits in protection against cardiovascular disease, cancer, and many other diseases.


    Glucosamine is MORE than a supplement for arthritis

    The truth is, there have been dozens of scientific studies showing the benefits of glucosamine supplementation on cardiovascular health.

    What you are about to hear is the complete story on both glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.

    You are about to read of the amazing diversity of beneficial effects to be obtained from these two nutrients.

    Once you realize the true powers they have to strengthen and protect yourself against heart disease with these two supplements, you will shake your head in disbelief that the natural food industry could relegate these two wonder workers to the status of mere arthritis remedies.

    First consider glucosamine. The nutrition establishment would have you thinking of this substance as nothing more than a raw material that forms a critical structural component of cartilage and other connective tissue.

    In other words, they give you a mental image of the glucosamine being swallowed, digested, circulated through the body to damaged or degenerating joint structures, then being deposited there as a purely structural component.

    That is an accurate picture of what happens, but only a partial picture. You see, glucosamine has functional roles that dwarf its structural role in importance.

    Medical research reveals that glucosamine does not just strengthen connective tissue in a structural sense, but strengthens by protecting connective tissues against inflammation and maintains the structural integrity of arteries and overall vascular system.


    Far more important than its role in the connective tissue of joints is the power of chondroitin sulfate to maintain the functional integrity of the cardiovascular system.

    Just a few of the many benefits chondroitin sulfate confers on the cardiovascular system include:

  • CS helps maintain arterial elasticity. (Remember, arteries are largely connective tissue.)

  • CS retards the arteriosclerotic and aging processes within the arterial wall.

  • CS also possesses lipid clearing activity. It lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, and it normalizes the ratio between HDL, LDL, and VLDL. Most importantly, CS clears lipids not just in the serum but from within the cells as well.

  • CS supplementation has also been shown to significantly reduce angina in patients with cardiovascular disease.

  • CS has been found to protect against thrombus formation. (blood clots)

  • The most striking statistic regarding CS supplementation shows that in cardiovascular disease patients treated with CS, the likelihood of having a myocardial infarct, suffering coronary insufficiency or myocardial ischemia, or developing congestive heart failure, is only 1/6 of that reported for control patients who receive no CS supplementation.



    I am about to give you so much information about Alpha Lipoic Acid that your head will spin. Perhaps it is more information than you think you want -- but I strongly suggest that you read every word of what follows. I am going to give you literally dozens of beneficial metabolic effects from lipoic acid, any one of which is in itself enough reason to supplement with lipoic acid.

    Alpha lipoic acid is a SUPER POWER antioxidant.

  • Lipoic acid particularly decreases elevated systolic blood pressure.

  • Lipoic acid effectively decreases LDL cholesterol.

    Lipoic acid has been shown to decrease elevated triglycerides by as much as 45%.

    You cannot top that with any other supplemental products available anywhere.

    The Product I Recommend To My Patients and Family

    Due to seriousness of heart disease and the wealth of information you have just learned, I am recommending a product that will provide all of the recommended supplements in one. The name of the product is called Di-Phasic AM and PM.

    The most powerful product to reverse heart disease!
    The most powerful product to reverse heart disease!

    I put my stamp of approval on the product and strongly recommend it to anyone serious about preventing and reversing heart disease.

    If you were to buy each of these powerful supplements separately you would pay close to $200.00 per month. For the price of one cup of coffee a day and newspaper, you can rest assure that you will be getting the absolute best protection for your heart. For only $103.00 per month, you will find nothing that even comes in a close second to the Di-phasic duo. NOTHING!

    1 Out 2 People Will Die from a Heart Attack or Stroke. What Are You Doing To Protect Yourself from This Killer Disease?READ EVERY WORD OF THIS SPECIAL REPORT

    My Personal Guarantee

    I am so confident that you'll be pleased with your purchase, I am willing to back it up with a full 90 day money back guarantee. Ask your health food store or local pharmacy to do that! Matter of fact, you don't even have to return the empty bottles! All the risk is on me!

    Order Now

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