Manage your photo library with Piwigo

Piwigo is open source photo management software. Manage, organize and share your photo easily on the web. Designed for organisations, teams and individuals.

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version 14.4.0 1 month ago

Piwigo 14.4.0 1 month 2 weeks ago

Latest activity 3 days 7 hours ago

Thousands of organizations and millions of individuals love using Piwigo

Why choose Piwigo?

High Volume

Piwigo shines when it comes to classifying thousands or even hundreds of thousands of photos.


Born in 2002, Piwigo has been supporting its users for more than 22 years. Always evolving!

Open Source

Source code is available, editable, auditable and extendable thanks to plugins and themes.

Beautiful photo galleries created with Piwigo

Office de Tourisme Digne Les Bains
Office du Tourisme du Bassin d'Arcachon
Sellerie Moillo
Société des 3 vallées

They love Piwigo


I chose Piwigo to manage our photo library and I'm completely satisfied. Piwigo is cheaper, simpler and more powerful than our old software. A library of plugins allows real customization of the solution. I'm a particular fan of the ergonomics, and I recommend Piwigo without hesitation!

Jean-François Lacou, Département de l’Indre

Public sector France

I run a small gallery with pictures from car races. I tried different platforms but thanks to Piwigo I found what I need. It is intuitive to use, I don't need IT knowledge to be able to use this gallery efficiently. The software efficiently uses my old IT equipment, working on it surprisingly well for several years.

Piotr Dudka

Photographers & individuals Poland

Piwigo is a very practical tool for creating a photo library that is both internal to our team and open to the general public.

Office de Tourisme du Pays de Gourdon

Tourism & Culture France

Previously, our photos were stored on external hard drive and CDs, and indexed in a spreadsheet. A real challenge to find a file! Now it has become very easy and fast for the whole team to navigate through our photo library. Piwigo has completely changed the way we work! We chose Piwigo because the tool was complete, easy to use and affordable.

Rémi, Musée Archea

Tourism & Culture France

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