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ProntoHotel is the kind of hotel search travelers have been waiting for. With just one click, you can compare over 550,000 hotels in over 50,000 destinations across the globe. Travelers around the world have made us their go-to hotel comparison website because they know they’ll save up to 70 percent on every room, every time they book. Whether they’re taking a weeklong trip to Rome or a weekend getaway to Los Angeles, travelers know they can rely on ProntoHotel for a comprehensive search to find a cheap hotel rate.

In addition to offering you big hotel savings, we also want to inspire people to travel. In that effort, we always provide some spotlight cities that we recommend our users visit. These can come from our personal favorites that we know you'll love just as much, or from popular searches performed by fellow travelers. We also provide City Guides, which give you an insider's look and recommendations in the world's most-visited destinations.
The Easiest Way to Find Cheap Hotels

ProntoHotel makes finding a hotel deal easy. Just search, compare, and save your way to your ideal hotel for the perfect price. All you have to do is enter your desired travel destination, the dates of your stay, and the number of people in your group, and our search engine will do the rest, scouring hundreds of booking sites and official websites to find rates that fit your needs. If you want to narrow the results, apply some of our unique filters, creating a refined list according to budget, star rating, location, or even proximity to a specific address. If you're going for a certain kind of hotel, you can check out our theme lists, which separate properties into groups like Most Romantic or Most Luxurious.

Compare Hotels and Read Original Hotel Reviews

You can explore each hotel in your list by reading an overview, viewing photos, and flipping through original guest reviews written by fellow travelers. That’s right, original. Our users give their honest opinions about the places they've stayed, becoming part of a travel community to exchange tips, information, photos, and other useful insights. So, if you know about a hidden restaurant in Paris or a way to skip the lines in Disney World, share it with your fellow travelers.

How to Book Your Ideal Hotel--Minus the Stress

Once you’ve decided on your accommodations, click on the “rates” tab to compare the prices being offered on the web’s biggest booking sites (like Expedia,, or Select the cheapest one and voila! With ProntoHotel, there’s no need to worry about whether or not the place you book will live up to its online representation. Our certified Quality Checkers visit properties to make sure the photos and descriptions match what you find in real life. Once you choose the best price, ProntoHotel will redirect you to the booking site selling it, where you can finish the transaction knowing you’ve found the lowest rate possible.


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