Welcome to Ekklesia

Ekklesia is an independent change network promoting transformative
ideas about politics, society and beliefs

Changing Ideas

Ekklesia is an independent change network promoting transformative
ideas about politics, society and beliefs

Changing World

Ekklesia is an independent change network promoting transformative
ideas about politics, society and beliefs

Changing Outlook

Ekklesia is an independent change network promoting transformative
ideas about politics, society and beliefs


Sudan ‘a forgotten conflict with no winners’

BISHOP Paul Swarbrick, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference’s Lead Bishop for Africa, and Bishop Nick Baines, the Church of England’s Lead Bishop for Foreign Affairs, have issued a joint statement on the conflict in Sudan, saying the war is “a forgotten conflict with no...


The traumatic identity of the Armenian Genocide

MANY decades ago, when my bones were less creaky and when I was a happy-go-lucky young lad with hardly any serious responsibilities, I used to sit next to my maternal grandfather and listen intently to his nostalgic stories. I was very fond of my granddad – médzbaba...

Threatened with resurrection

Luke 24. 36b – 58; Acts 3. 12-19; Psalm 4. “They were startled and terrified… Jesus said to them, why are you frightened and why do doubts arise in your hearts?” AT THE VERY core of Christian believing is the conviction that – despite persistent appearances to the...



Gaza news updates and truth-sourcing

IT HAS long been said that truth is the first casualty in war. In the age of digital technology, social media, AI and deepfakes, that awful reality has been turbo-charged. The continuing bombardment and assault on Gaza and the Russian invasion of Ukraine are prime...

Stations of the Cross for Gaza

WE ARE grateful to our friends at Christians for Palestine for producing a moving set of meditations and prayers for Gaza, using the traditional form of the Stations of the Cross, which depict Jesus's path to crucifixion. In commending these reflections we remember...