We believe well-being should be accessible for all. We know self-care doesn't look the same for everyone, and that's ok. That's why we provide resources for every person, in every stage of their journey.

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Just building your meditation habit?

The Chopra App is a great place to start. With personalized daily sessions, programs like Meditation 101, and quick fixes for whatever’s holding you back, it’s like all the guidance of Chopra at your fingertips.

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Want to deepen your practice?

Imagine a getaway where your number one priority is YOU. That’s what you’ll get at a Chopra Retreat, surrounded by like-minded meditators and learning from the best-of-the-best in well-being.

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Ready to enhance your self-care ritual?

Our Ayurveda-inspired well-being products, are designed to nourish you on every level - mind, body, and spirit. Each of our products is paired with a self-care practice for the ultimate wellness ritual.

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Interested in taking your passion to the next level?

Advance your practice and share your love for meditation and Ayurveda with others through one of our certification programs, which have been seen as a world-renowned seal of approval for over 20 years.

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  • "I feel very indebted to Chopra, Dr. Suhas, and all the other excellent teachers. Now it’s up to me to keep up with the practices and share this wonderful knowledge."

    - Rebecca
  • “What a wealth of learning and teaching material – extraordinarily rich, well presented, and easily accessible!”

    - Christine
  • "An amazing journey that culminated in a glorious moment of feeling accomplished and ready to walk in the steps of the great teachers before me."

    - Devika

How to Take Care of Your Mental Well-Being During Long Summer Days

In the summer, it is important to balance the fiery pitta energy with ways to cool off, calm down, and restore. If we do not purposefully schedule downtime in summer, tempers can flare, irritability can get the best of us, and we can burn out more easily.This is the season when children are home from school, and we feel the...

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