How to Find a Church

12 Practical Steps to Help You Find a New Church Home

How to Find a Church
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Finding a church can be a difficult, time-consuming experience. It often takes a great deal of patient persistence, especially if you are looking for a church after moving into a new community. Usually, you can only visit one, or possibly two churches a week, so the search for a church can drag out over a period of months.

Here are some practical steps to remember along with questions to ask yourself as you pray and seek the Lord through the process of finding a church.

1. Where Does God Want Me to Serve?

Prayer is an important part of the process of finding a church. As you seek the Lord’s direction, he will give you the wisdom to know where he wants you to fellowship. Be sure to make prayer a priority each step along the way.

2. What Denomination?

There are many Christian denominations, from Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Assemblies of God, Church of the Nazarene, and the list goes on and on. If you feel called to a nondenominational or interdenominational church, there are many different types of these as well, such as Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Community churches.

3. What Do I Believe?

It’s important to understand the doctrinal beliefs of the church before joining. Many people become disillusioned after investing a great deal of time in a church. You can avoid this disappointment by looking closely at the church's statement of faith.

Before joining, be sure the church teaches the Bible effectively. If you’re not sure, ask to talk with someone about this. Some churches even offer classes or written material to help you understand the church’s doctrine.

4. What Type of Services?

Ask yourself, “Would I feel more freedom to worship through a formal liturgy, or would I be more comfortable in an informal atmosphere?” For example, Catholic, Anglican, Episcopalian, Lutheran and Orthodox churches will usually have more formal services, while Protestant, Pentecostal, and nondenominational churches will tend to have more relaxed, informal worship services.

5. What Type of Worship?

Worship is the way we express our love and appreciation to God as well as our awe and wonder at his works and ways. Consider what style of worship will allow you to most freely express adoration to God.

Some churches have contemporary worship music, some have traditional. Some sing hymns, others sing choruses. Some have full bands, others have orchestras and choirs. Some sing gospel, rock, hard rock, etc. Since worship is a key part of our church experience, be sure to give the style of worship serious consideration.

6. What Ministries and Programs Does the Church Have?

You want your church to be a place where you can connect with other believers. Some churches offer a very simple ministry approach and others extend an elaborate system of classes, programs, productions and more. So, for instance, if you’re single and want a church with a single’s ministry, be sure to check into this before joining. If you have kids, you'll want to explore the children's ministry. 

7. Does the Size of the Church Matter?

Smaller church fellowships are usually unable to offer a wide variety of ministries and programs, while larger ones can support an array of opportunities. However, a small church can provide a more intimate, close-knit environment that a large church may not be able to cultivate as effectively. Becoming relational in the body of Christ often requires more effort in a large church. These are things to consider when looking at the size of the church.

8. What to Wear?

In some churches t-shirts, jeans, and even shorts are appropriate. In others, a suit and tie or dress would be more appropriate. In some churches, anything goes. So, ask yourself, "What is right for me—dressy, casual, or both?"

9. Visit Church Websites and Call Before Visiting

Next, take some time to list specific questions you would want to call and ask before visiting the church. If you take a few minutes each week to do this, it will save you time in the long run. For example, if the youth program is important to you, put that on your list and ask specifically for information about it. Some churches will even mail you an Information Packet or Visitor’s Packet, so be sure to ask for these when you call.

You can often get a good feel for a church by visiting its website. Most churches will provide information about how the church got started, doctrinal beliefs, a statement of faith, plus information about ministries and outreaches.

10. Make a List.

Before visiting a church, make a checklist of the most important things you hope to see or experience. Then rate the church according to your checklist when you leave. If you're visiting many churches, your notes will help you compare and decide later. As time passes you may have trouble keeping them straight. This will provide you with a record for future reference.

11. Visit Three Times, Then Ask Yourself These Questions:

Is this church a place where I can connect with God and worship him freely? Will I learn about the Bible here? Are fellowship and community encouraged? Are people's lives being changed? Is there a place for me to serve in the church and opportunities to pray with other believers? Does the church reach out by sending missionaries and through financial giving and local outreach? Is this where God wants me to be? If you can say yes to these questions, then you've found a good church home.

12. Ask other Christians.

If you still don’t know where to begin your search for a church, ask people you know—friends, co-workers, or people you admire, where they go to church. 

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Your Citation
Fairchild, Mary. "How to Find a Church." Learn Religions, Aug. 27, 2020, Fairchild, Mary. (2020, August 27). How to Find a Church. Retrieved from Fairchild, Mary. "How to Find a Church." Learn Religions. (accessed May 9, 2024).