stand out from the crowd

with a mobile friendly website

The aim of this site is to demystify the process of developing an effective and affordable website for your business and,  in doing so,  will give away some 'trade secrets' of web design.

For example;   A lot of text in this site is hidden from view,  but if you want to learn more about any subject just click on the 'bonus content' links,  like the one below,  to open it up. . .


why hide content?

Google loves words, but including too many of them would make the site unuseable  (especially on mobile devices with a limited screen size),  so links like these will open text that is initially hidden from humans,  but always visible to Google,  Bing and Yahoo.

For example;  there are 140 visible words on this page so far,  of which 7 are either 'site' or 'website' (9),  plus multiple occurences of 'Google',  'Search Engines' etc.   Carefully crafting content like this will maximise your site's (9) search engine visibility. . .  just one of the many ways to make your website (11) a winnner in the battle for eyeballs.

A trade secret:   Although there have been eleven visible occurences of 'site' and 'website' so far  (13 now!)  another are 26 tucked away in the meta (hidden) content up to this point,  with many more repetitions in the remainder of the page.

some quick links

Website types and terms explained

website types explained

Static, Responsive, E-Commerce, CMS;  what do these terms mean and what type of website do you need?  The simple truth,  without jargon.
Website options in plain English >>

How to choose the best domain name for your mobile website

domains & hosting

A plain English explanation of domain names, the cost and process of registration, and how to decide where your new website is going to live.
Domains & hosting explained >>

Website copywriting - typewriter keyboard

website copywriting

The words that appear on the screen are crucially important as the 'front line' in communicating with both customers and Search Engines.
About website copy writing >>

Photographic film illustrating graphic design

graphic design & images

Eyecatching visuals are essential to capture the attention of potential customers as they browse through competitive search results.
Discover more about images >>

Online retailers updating their CMS site

bespoke online shops

All of the technologies and experience needed to develop a retail CMS website, from your initial concept, to a full trading launch.
How on-line retail works >>

On-line customers found through Google

search engines

Every ipinx site is designed from scratch to work with Google, Bing & Yahoo, but some truths about search engines might surprise you!
Making Google work for you >>

Free website or software design consultation and advice

free advice & quotes!

Why not call ipinx for an informal chat?  Talk about your project, what you want to achieve, and have your questions answered.
More about free consultations >>

Logbook cash advances

a simple cost guide

How much your business website should cost to design, build and maintain;  including coding, copywriting, graphics, hosting and SEO.
Likely development costs >>

ipinx always delivers

powerful graphics & copy

Inherit a wealth of professional experience in business development,  branding,  new media marketing,  and common sense. . . .  at an affordable price.  Having been at the forefront of the industry since 1993,  when Google was merely a twinkle in Larry Page's eye,  I actually do know what I'm talking about.


some thoughts from ipinx

Countless 'bright young things' are being churned out of academe every year,  many of whom are perfectly capable of writing functional scripts.

Similarly,  no shortage of wordsmiths are out there in the market,  often in the form of time served journalists,  able to produce first class,  incisive and effective copy.

Owning a copy of Photoshop does not make anyone a graphic designer,  nor access to Wordpress a 'web developer'. . .

. . .and,  of course,  every nineteen year old self-declared search engine guru will promise you the top slot in Google!

Few of these experts,  however,  can offer four decades of hands-on commercial experience in the medium,  and their collective skills will certainly not coexist in one body!

No single person could possibly master all aspects of so many rapidly evolving technologies with any degree of competence.

For a cost effective alternative to recruiting and managing your own 'dream team',  call me today on 0796 115 2281 for an informal chat.   Tell me where you want your business to go.   I'll listen,  and advise,  free of charge.

"creatrix, parabilis, efficax"


creative, affordable, effective

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