An urgent warning was issued to dentists yesterday over a hand-held X-ray scanner that could be potentially lethal.

Health experts say the cheap imported machines expose users and patients to 10 times the normal level of radiation – dramatically increasing the risks of cancer and organ damage.

And last night shocked officials were desperately trying to track down any that are currently in use – after urging dentists to bin them immediately.

Thirteen of the dodgy devices – offered for sale on respectable internet sites including eBay – have already been seized at a distribution centre in Portsmouth after tests revealed how deadly they could be.

X-rated: The cheap scanner irradiates the whole head (
Rowan Griffiths)
A safe X-ray like this one mainly focuses on the teeth (
Rowan Griffiths)

The Tianjie Dental Falcon scanners cost as little as £200, compared to around £4,000 for a standard, safe model.

They look the same and do exactly the same job, but investigators found a number of alarming faults – including botched wiring and a lack of lead insulation to protect patients and users against radiation leakage.

It is not known how many patients have been put at risk.

But a memo from the Health Protection Agency circulated to senior officials and seen by the Mirror reveals at least one UK dentist has used the device and many others are said to have expressed an interest in buying one.

The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency has now issued a warning to all dentists.

Compliance unit manager Bruce Petrie said: “Anyone in the room when these machines are being used would be exposed. They are dangerous, deadly machines.

“Test results showing how much radiation they emit are genuinely shocking.”

Investigators are so concerned they have alerted health chiefs in Australia and the US, where they may also have been sold.

Lab test: Don Emerton checks device (
Rowan Griffiths)
eBay: The handheld dental x ray on sale (
Rowan Griffiths)

They have also warned the Chinese government after discovering that the scanners were manufactured in Zhengzhou in Henan, northern China.

The tests were carried out last week at King’s College Hospital in London after the HPA raised concerns.

Clinical evaluator Donald Emerton said: “We found the machine did not properly protect the patient or the person operating it. I certainly wouldn’t want it used on me.”

Barry Cockcroft, chief dental officer for England, added: “I would urge all dental professionals to be cautious of seemingly cheap devices which may not be fit for purpose and potentially dangerous.”