The Circular Scrolls



Welcome to the Circular Scrolls, a journey of transformation across seven books and many lifetimes, filled with adventure, action, ideas and beliefs to enthrall the child in all of us, to remind us that the imagination is the link to our own inner worlds.

“Here’s a rainbow arch to span the abyss of possibilities in safety. Read a rainbow.”

Coming Soon!

Watch this space for details of the launch of the next book

Video Trailer

An introduction to The Circular Scrolls

Here it is! A trailer for the first 4 books! Starring Sam and Kevin (we’ve edited out the supporting cast to avoid confusion - don’t worry - they’re waiting in the wings)

When we showed Kevin and Sam

Kevin said "Cool! Ratman and Robin!"

And Sam said "Humph"

Please refer to Rats through the Ages and The Gruntary – in the Appendices - for a more detailed exposition.

A message from Bridget

I believe I am the architect of my own fate. I believe I can be master of my circumstances and not their slave. I believe I am the principal scriptwriter, director and actor in my own movie I believe sometimes you have to trust before you can believe – philosophical bungee-jumping. These are the themes that run through the book, with Sam, balanced and guided by Kevin, testing and trying, risking and failing, struggling and believing, pushing at the bounds of her own realities.

The books endorse no one religion but are full of belief and support the ethic that it is the journey that is important and not the end. I have filled them with humour, poetry and debate and have pulled down the barriers between alternative realities in an attempt to create a tapestry of transformation without the need to justify credence.