Special report

It's the links, stupid

Blogging is just another word for having conversations


“IF YOU want to have a fun debate, ask bloggers what a blog is,” says Jeremy Zawodny at Yahoo! Only a few years ago, that debate would have been short. So few people blogged that most of them knew one another and could probably agree on a definition. Today a new blog is created every second of every day, according to Technorati, a search engine for blogs, and the “blogosphere” is doubling in size every five months (see chart 1). From teenagers to corporate executives, the new bloggers all have reasons of their own for engaging in this new pursuit.

This article appeared in the Special report section of the print edition under the headline “It's the links, stupid”

Taking on Bush: Can the Democrats get their act together?

From the April 22nd 2006 edition

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