➤ NEW ARTICLE: Bringing Informed Consent and Consumerism Into Mediation

Forrest S. Mosten, Los Angeles Mediator and Collaborative Attorney

Forrest (Woody) Mosten has been a mediator in private practice since 1979 and is a Collaborative Family Lawyer who specializes in negotiating fair settlements based on informed client consent.

Woody is the author of several bestselling books in Mediation, Collaborative Practice, and expanding Legal Access and he travels internationally to train professionals to build profitable peacemaking practices.

Books   •   Articles   •   Training

Listen to the Mindset Monday Podcast with Special Guest, Forrest Woody Mosten

Woody’s ABA books on Mediation and Collaborative Practice

IACP Partners with Woody to offer Trainings to Build Successful Collaborative Practices

Academy of Professional Family Mediators Honors Woody with Lifetime Achievement Award

Woody delivers Keynote and receives Inaugural Forrest (Woody) Mosten Star Award at 2020 Family Mediation Institute in Orange County

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© Forrest S. Mosten

Certified Family Law Specialist
Board of Legal Specialization, State Bar of California