I started my own web design/web programming brand in April 2009 and I managed to keep it running until the end of 2016. BehindTheRabbit released many themes for Sandvox (a Macintosh web publishing application) and WordPress (a php blogging and publishing platform).

The original website is now closed, but you can find all the (now free and unsupported) themes and some goodies here.


Sandvox 2 designs

These designs are created exclusively for Sandvox 2 and are not compatible with Sandvox 1.x.


Beryllium is an all-purpose, flat design available in six colors. It sports a clean and modern look and follows the latest trends in the web design for blogging.


Lithium is a white-background, wide theme with improved typography and an elegant layout. It’s perfect for corporate sites, blogging or personal pages, but its brand new photo-galleries make it really stand out if you’re a photographer.

Krypton Pro

Krypton Pro is an updated, full-featured version of Kryptonite, which is now bundled for free with Sandvox 2.8.


Carbone is one of the most successful BehindTheRabbit’s designs. You will find six variations (Orange, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Green, Red and Orange with right-sidebar) and four ready-made code injection options.


Grafite is particularly appreciated by artists and photographers for its galleries, built around graphic objects to give them the center of the scene. The package includes Grafite Mini, a minimalist version perfect for websites mainly focused on images or movies.

Simple Rabbit

With his clean, white Design, Simple Rabbit is available in four colors and is even more customizable with simple, ready-made Code Injection options.


Hydrogen is now bundled for free with Sandvox 2.8! You can download here 20 free banners.

Sandvox 1 & 2 designs

These designs were created for Sandvox 1 and have been completely re-written for Sandvox 2.
A legacy, Sandvox-1-compatible version is included in the package.


White background, rounded borders, text and box shadows give Sugar elegance and flexibility. Four variations (blue, orange, green, red) and eight headers included.


Lake is a wide Sandvox Design particularly suitable for websites that need rich text pages and many blogs entries: typography, colors, whitespace greatly improve the readability of text (even a very long one) and grant the user a relaxing experience. Two variations are included: Blue and Graphite.

Blue Raymond

Designed with blogs in mind, the main goal of Blue Raymond is readability, no matter how long your text is. Blue Raymond has a wide layout and a white background.