Lenntech Water treatment & purification Lenntech Water treatment & purification

Volume converter

This metric system conversion calculator for volume can be used for converting:

- cubic meters to cubic feet
- gallons to liters
- cubic feet to gallons
- cubic feet to litres
- cubic feet to cubic meters
- cubic feet to cubic inches
- liter to cubic feet

metric metric (liters) US & GB
cubic millimeter hectoliter cubic inch
cubic centimeter liter cubic feet
cubic decimeter deciliter cubic yard
cubic meter centiliter gallons (US Liquid)
milliliter imperial gallons (GB)

Convert the units from the American metric system to the British metric system and the standard metric system (SI).

Here are some geometrical bodies, whose volume can be calculated. These are pyramid, truncated pyramid, cylinder, hollow cylinder (pipe), cone, truncated cone, sphere, the segment of a sphere and a barrel. You will have to be consequent with the units. So, if you want the volume in cubic meters, you will have to fill in all the data in meters. If you don't, the calculations will be wrong.

Volume of some bodies:

ground surface (A)
height (h)

Truncated pyramid
ground surface (Ag)
end surface (Ab)
height (h)

radius ground surface (r)
height (h)

Hollow circle cylinder (pipe)
internal radius (r)
external radius (R)
height (h)

radius ground surface (r)
height (h)

Truncated cone
radius ground surface (r)
radius top surface (R)
height (h)

radius (r)

Segment of a sphere
arrow (p)
radius ground surface (r)

largest middle line (D)
ground middle line (d)
height (h)




Volume is derived from length. Because the unit of length is the meter, and volume is m · m · m, the unit of volume (V) is m3.
Source: http://www.nmi.nl/english/about_metrology/quantities_and_units/some_important_derived_units.htm
Source: http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/current.html




England had its own metric system for a very long time. These consisted on feet, yards, inches, miles etc for length. Just like in the SI, the units were multiplied by each other. For example: yd · yd · yd was yd3. In 1985 the English changed officially to the standard metric systems. More information in The Weights and Measures Act 1985 (Metrication) (Amendment) Order 1994.


United States:


The United States had their own metric system for a very long time. The United States converted to the international standard metric system under pressure of the industry in 1988. This was decided in the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act Of 1988. More information in The United States and The Metric System.


History of SI:


SI is the abbreviation for Système International d'Unités. It is the standard metric system nowadays. The SI originated in France. In 1790 the French Academy of Science got an instruction of the National Assembly to design a new standard of units for the whole world. They decided that the system should be based on the follow conditions:


    1. The units in the system should be based on invariable quantities in nature
    1. All units, except the basic units, should be derived from the basic units
    1. Multiplying of the units should go in factors of ten (decimals)


Only in 1875 the world began to show some interest in the French development. The Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), nowadays called: Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM). was founded, because more and more countries were interested in the French system. In 1960, on the 11th CGPM, the system was officially named International d'Unité. More information in http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/history.html, or in the official site of the BIPM: http://www.bipm.fr/enus/3_SI/si-history.html.


Official organizations:


The institution that controls the units in The Netherlands is Nederlands Meetinstituut (NMi).
The official institution from the world standard of measurements is Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM).
The official institution in the US is The National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST).
The English institution for measurement standards is the National Physical laboratory (NPL).


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