3 in 10 Americans Admit to Race Bias

(Survey Shows Age, Too, May Affect Election Views)

As Sen. Barack Obama opens his campaign as the first African American on a major party presidential ticket, nearly half of all Americans say race relations in the country are in bad shape and three in 10 acknowledge feelings of racial prejudice, according to a new Washington PostABC News poll.

Lingering racial bias affects the public’s assessments of the Democrat from Illinois, but offsetting advantages and Sen. John McCain‘s age could be bigger factors in determining the next occupant of the White House.  (keep reading washingtonpost.com)

Hate Groups’ Newest Target

Posters on Stormfront complain that Obama represents the end of “white rule” and the beginning of “multiculturalism.” They fear that he will promote affirmative action, support illegal immigration and help render whites, who make up two-thirds of the U.S. population, “the new minority.”

“I get nonstop e-mails and private message from new people who are mad as hell about the possibility of Obama being elected,” said Black, a white power activist since the 1970s. “White people, for a long time, have thought of our government as being for us, and Obama is the best possible evidence that we’ve lost that. This is scaring a lot of people who maybe never considered themselves racists, and it’s bringing them over to our side.”

Almost all white power leaders said they are benefiting from the rise in recruits. David Duke, a former Louisiana state representative and a longtime advocate of racial segregation, said hits to his Web site have doubled and that more organizations now request him as a guest speaker. Dan Hill, who runs an extremist group in northern Michigan, says his cohorts are more willing to “take serious action” and plan rallies to protest politicians and immigration. Roper says White Revolution receives about 10 new applicants each week, more than double the norm. (more at washingtonpost.com)

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John McCain: Bringing The Troops Home is NOT Important (video)

Listen to John Kerry as he speaks, volumes.

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Zoo Lion Kills Man Who Invokes Gods

Give Me That Old Time Religion, Give Me That Old Time Religion, Give Me That Old Time Religion, Cause It’s Good Enough For Me!

A MAN shouting that God would keep him safe was mauled to death by a lioness in Kiev zoo after he crept into the animal’s enclosure, a zoo official said on today.

“A lioness went straight for him, knocked him down and severed his carotid artery.”

The incident, yesterday evening when the zoo was packed with visitors, was the first of its kind at the attraction. Lions and tigers are kept in an “animal island” protected by thick concrete blocks. (The Australian).

A Problem With Daniel
by Peter Murphy

The Book of Daniel is regarded as prophetic among Christian circles because of its implied references to the messiah. In the Christian Old Testament it is placed following Ezekiel in order to make Daniel look like one of the great prophets of old. On the other hand in the Tanakh (Jewish Bible) the Book of Daniel is placed among the least inspired books and there is no Daniel listed as a Major or Minor Prophet.

Irrespective of this difference the problems with the Book of Daniel historically are legion. This essay will address merely one moral problem. The question of just how loyal was this Daniel to YHWH. It is important to start at the beginning.

In chapter 1 Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon selected Daniel, to be trained in Babylonian literature and language. In chapter 2, during the second year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, Daniel interprets a dream of the king and is made as a reward the ruler over the whole province of Babylon and chief prefect over the wise men. Daniel, recognizing the need for assistants, appoints Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego to deal with the administration of the province, while Daniel remained at Nebuchadnezzar’s court. This last item is very important to the point of this essay.

In chapter 3 Nebuchadnezzar raises a gold statue of approximately 90 feet in his own honor and decreed that all his subjects worship it. Nebuchadnezzar also decreed that any who would not worship his statue were to be thrown into a furnace. It must be conceded that Daniel, who was at Nebuchadnezzar’s court, knew about this statue and decree.

Chapter 3 tells us what happened next. In verses 7-12 we are told that certain men disobeyed the decree and charges were brought against them. According to the text they were the only ones who disobeyed the decree. The three accused were the men Daniel had appointed to deal with the administration of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. These three men are arrested and brought before Nebuchadnezzar, who threw them into his furnace. Anyway, to make a long story short an angel shows up to keep the men company and they are rescued and the king admits their god is the real god.

What is missing is where was Daniel while this was going on? According to chapter 2 Daniel was at Nebuchadnezzar’s court, as such he would have been one of those who bowed down to the golden image — if not, then why was he not accused along with his deputies! Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego are the ones who put their lives on the line for their beliefs; Daniel is nowhere to be seen. If he was at court, as chapter 2 maintains, then he must have bowed and worshipped the image because he did not get in trouble. And if he was an idol worshipper, as he must be, then what kind of prophet was he!

Once again the Christian belief in Daniel being a real person and a prophet falls apart just by a simple critical reading of this furnace affair.

You can visit the author’s MSN group at DEISM: belief in God without the baggage or Rev Peter’s Reading Room (yahoo group).


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We’ll Get Them Next Time Hillary


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Four More Years Can Be a Lifetime

Thanks Honjii Harangues.

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A Christian Baptism brings on Good Fortune

Haven’t You Heard The Ol’ Wives Tale or Superstitution?
Having a Bird Poop on ya is a Sign of Good Luck!
Yes Jesus Loves Me, Yes Jesus Loves Me, Yes Jesus Loves Me,
For The Bible Tells Me So…

Thank you News Mutiny and Topless Girl!


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Window Snyder is responsible for FireFox 3

thought this might be of interest to some of my readers – isn’t this a delight!  i know that i am truly enjoying my new Firefox.

SAN FRANCISCO — Window Snyder isn’t your average security czar.

As chief of security at Mozilla Foundation, the unconventional non-profit whose popular Web browser Firefox underwent a major facelift this week, Snyder cuts an unconventional swath.

For starters, her title is “chief security something-or-other” (yeah, that’s on her business card). It befits her wide-ranging role at Mozilla, the Web browser developer that relies on the contributions of thousands of programmers worldwide. The programmers generally work for free, but Snyder’s salary is paid with revenue Mozilla generates through business partnerships with Google, Amazon.com and others.

Organized cybercrime gangs are more highly focused than ever on taking control of your computer through browser-based hacks. They’ve already turned some 40% of the world’s 800 million Internet-connected PCs into obedient “bots” used to spread spam, harvest your sensitive data and commit fraud. The bad guys are highly motivated to expand their bot empires. And their favorite tactic to wrest control of your machine is by corrupting browser-run applications that enable all of the Web’s coolest functions, like watching videos and social networking.

Because Mozilla’s Firefox browser is based on open-source code that is continually refined by volunteers, it is widely considered by tech security experts to be the most secure, though by no means impregnable, browser. Into the virulent dark side of Web 2.0 strolls Snyder, leader of some 20,000 independent programmers committed to shoring up Firefox’s first line of defenses.

In setting out to elevate Firefox’s basic security, Snyder is also compelling Microsoft and Apple, maker of the Safari browser, to follow her lead — or get out of the way.

Snyder’s rising star is sure to ascend even more this week, with the release of Version 3.0 of Firefox on Tuesday. The release is packed with new features, most notably stiffer security, faster speed and improved ease of use.

“The fun is in deconstructing where the security holes are,” Snyder, 32, says with a wry smile and knowing laugh.

But don’t let her youthful facade fool you. Snyder’s career path includes co-founding a security company and consultant work at At Stake, which was sold to Symantec for $49 million in 2004.

And, yes, she once worked at Microsoft, managing the security process for a couple versions of the Windows operating system.

During her three-year stint there, Snyder pioneered the Blue Hat program, which opened communications between Microsoft developers and outside security researchers. Previously, Microsoft was loath to share technical information with those outside of its Redmond, Wash., headquarters. Now she must summon all her collaboration skills in reaching out to the open-source community, where Firefox has thrived.

In her spare time — insert deep breath here — she managed to co-write Threat Modeling, an online security guide that’s used by software engineers.

Dave Goldsmith, who as president of Matasano Security has worked with Snyder in various capacities, calls her an “online security rock star.”

Adds Eva Chen, CEO and co-founder of security company Trend Micro: “It’s gratifying to see other women in prominent roles in tech security. For so long, men have dominated the field. Women didn’t have an old boy’s network.”

‘Geek girl’: Programming at 5

A self-avowed “geek girl” and daughter of software engineers, Snyder says her mom taught her to program Basic, an early computer programming language, on a Texas Instruments PC when she was 5 years old.

“She has a natural sparkle and joy,” says her Kenyan-born mother, Wayua (Eastern African dialect for “Born during famine”) Muasa, who embarked on a software engineering career in her early 40s after stints in teaching and promoting tourism for Kenya at the United Nations.

Still, Snyder’s whipsaw-fast mind and inquisitive nature can be hard to keep up with. “I tell her to slow down so people can digest what she is saying,” Muasa says.

No kidding. In between sips of tea at a local Starbucks, Snyder offers a dizzying discourse on abstract algebra, the concept of parallel lines intersecting in space, and the presidential aspirations of Barack Obama, whom she volunteered for in Texas.

But she is downright Pixar-like animated about Mozilla.

“The strength of Mozilla is absolutely the community (of tens of thousands of volunteers). We have to make sure they know they’re being heard,” says Snyder, who joined Mozilla last year.

The challenge is to get the public — so aware of security for their homes and cars — to be as vigilant with their PCs. That’s where the articulate Snyder and fortified Firefox come in. She is a bright new face in the computer-security field.

By most accounts, she is succeeding swimmingly. “She is effective and respected among several constituencies: nitty-gritty geeks, customers and the general public,” says Mitchell Baker, Mozilla’s longtime chairman. “She has learned to walk the fine line of making complex concepts understandable and accurate.”

Breaking frontiers

It’s been a steady climb for Firefox, whose roots stretch back to the now-defunct Netscape Communications. It has accumulated 170 million users in more than 200 countries and an 18% share of the browser market, according to market researcher Net Applications. (Microsoft Internet Explorer commands 75% of the market, or more than 700 million users.)

Now, after several years of development and public testing, version 3.0 is out.

Leading the evangelistic effort is Snyder, whose middle name is Window. Her first name, Mwende — which means “beloved” and is the name of her maternal grandmother — by custom is used only by family members.

Such is part of her Kenya heritage, a legacy for her that stretches back to age 9 when she first traveled there. In preparation for that trip, Window learned key phrases in Swahili on her own. She and her mom return every few years.

“She has an easygoing, calming demeanor,” says Muasa, a retiree who lives in Seattle. “When I moved in 2004, I accidentally threw away baby pictures and Window’s drawings. I was devastated. She said, ‘That’s OK, Mom. Let it go.’ ”

Snyder is among the youngest of 30 board members at Choate Rosemary Hall, the private school in Connecticut she attended in the early 1990s.

Snyder is illustrative of the Choate way that has guided fellow alumni President John F. Kennedy and actress Glenn Close — intelligence, dedication in “the pursuit of breaking frontiers” and confidence, says Herb Kohler, CEO of manufacturing giant Kohler Co. and chairman of the school’s board of trustees.

This week, Firefox 3.0 joins Snyder’s growing résumé.

“My gosh, she talks about things I have no concept about,” Kohler says.

article posted at BlackVoices


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I’m Voting Republican

There are many factual points and reasons as to why anyone would want to vote Republican.

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McCain says, “I Really Didn’t Love America!” (VIDEO)

This is a “make my day” comment from MSNBC.

I Really Didn’t Love America….
Can you hear it….Now pass this along the way!

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found this – Dan Abrams Verdict – 13 minutes in length, panel discussion on John McCain’s statement dating back to 1999.

“Republicans have hammered Michelle Obama for her remarks in February that she was proud of America “for the first time in my adult life.” Tonight, however, Dan Abrams showed footage he uncovered of a Fox News interview with John McCain on March 13, 2008, in which McCain said, “I didn’t really love America until I was deprived of her company.”

Abrams thinks McCain’s comments could undermine the “right wing’s steady attacks against Michelle Obama.” click me – McCain I Didn’t Love America Until Held Prisoner.

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