



Slavery is the practice of taking ownership of another human being. All questions about slavery in history, the effects of slavery, or slavery in the modern world can be asked here.

500 Questions

What is another word for Slaver?

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Other words for "slaver" would include:

  • In biology, human physiology -- drool, slobber, dribble, saliva
  • In slavery contexts, a "slaver" was someone who bought and sold slaves.

How were geography and slavery related?

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Geography played a significant role in determining where slavery was practiced and what types of crops were grown. Slavery was more prevalent in regions with large plantations that required intensive labor, such as the southern United States and parts of the Caribbean. The physical geography, climate, and soil fertility of these areas made them ideal for cultivating cash crops like sugar, cotton, and tobacco that required a substantial workforce to cultivate and harvest.

When was Hurricane Hits England by Grace Nichols written?

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Hurricane Hits England by Grace Nichols was published in 1997.

Where did junipero serra come from?

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Junipero Serra was born in the Spanish island of Majorca in 1713. He later became a Franciscan friar and missionary in the Spanish colonies of North America, particularly focusing on establishing missions in California.

When did father junipero serra die?

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in the floor of a room in mission San Carlos

How many black slaves were killed by their master?

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There is no exact number of black slaves killed by their masters, as historical records are incomplete. However, it is well-documented that violence and brutality were rampant in the institution of slavery, leading to the death of many enslaved individuals at the hands of their masters.

What is jakota triangle?

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I'm not familiar with the term "jakota triangle." It may not be a widely known concept or term. Could you provide more context or clarify what you are referring to?

When was father junipero serra born?

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Father Junipero Serra was born on November 24, 1713.

What is a Boundary of Massachusetts in the East?

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The eastern boundary of Massachusetts is defined by the Atlantic Ocean.

Who is the educator and the president of Tuskegee institute?

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The educator and president of Tuskegee Institute was Booker T. Washington. He was a prominent African American educator, author, and leader of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, advocating for vocational education and economic self-reliance for African Americans.

Why did father junipero serra start the missions?

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Father Junipero Serra started the missions in California to spread Christianity and convert indigenous people to Catholicism. He was motivated by a desire to bring civilization and salvation to the native populations through education and religious teachings.

Equiano is permanently separated from his sister?

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Equiano was forcibly separated from his sister when they were sold into slavery by different slave traders. This separation led to a deep and lasting emotional pain for Equiano, as he longed to reunite with his sister but was unable to do so.

What is father junipero serra most famous for?

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Father Junipero Serra is most famous for founding a series of Spanish missions in California in the 18th century, helping to establish Spanish presence and colonize the region. He is considered a controversial figure due to his role in the mistreatment and forced conversion of Native Americans.

Atlantic slave trade significance?

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The Atlantic slave trade was significant because it involved the forced migration of millions of Africans to the Americas, leading to the establishment of plantation economies and the foundation of modern racism. It had a profound impact on the demographic, social, and economic development of the Americas and Africa, contributing to the wealth and power of European nations. Its legacy continues to shape race relations and inequalities in the Americas today.

How much can you buy a person for?

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It is illegal and unethical to buy or sell a person. Human trafficking is a serious crime and a violation of human rights. If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking, it is important to seek help from law enforcement or a support organization.

What is Harriet Tubmans family like?

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Harriet Tubman was born into slavery and had a large family. She had several siblings, but her own family was fragmented due to the impact of slavery. After escaping from slavery, she worked to bring her family to freedom and supported them as best as she could. She had a strong bond with her family and fought for their rights and freedom.

How did enslaved African-Americans escape to freedom on the Underground Railroad?

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Enslaved African-Americans escaped to freedom on the Underground Railroad by following a network of secret routes and safe houses. They were often aided by free African Americans, sympathetic white abolitionists, and conductors who helped them travel north to free states or Canada. The network relied on secrecy and code language to evade capture and reach safety.

Why are they having so much conflicts in Kenya?

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Conflicts in Kenya can be attributed to historical grievances, competition for resources, political competition, ethnic divisions, and economic disparities. Factors like land disputes, political corruption, and lack of inclusive governance also contribute to the conflicts in the country. Efforts to address these underlying issues and promote national unity and reconciliation are ongoing to reduce conflicts in Kenya.

Why were slaves shipped to the new world?

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To provide cheap labour for sugar, and tobacco plantations.

What would happen if affirmative action were eliminated?

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Eliminating affirmative action could result in a less diverse and inclusive workforce or educational environment. It may limit opportunities for underrepresented groups and perpetuate existing inequalities. Additionally, companies and institutions may struggle to address systemic discrimination without affirmative action policies in place.

Where did slavery exist in the world after 1865?

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After 1865, slavery continued to exist in various parts of the world, including regions of Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia. Additionally, forms of bonded labor and indentured servitude persisted in some areas. The transatlantic slave trade officially ended in the 19th century, but slavery in different forms continued to be practiced in some countries.

What effects does air resistance have on speed?

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Air resistance, also known as drag, slows down an object's speed by exerting a force in the opposite direction of its motion. As an object moves faster through the air, the force of air resistance increases, causing the object to lose speed. This effect is more pronounced for objects with larger surface areas or moving at higher speeds.

What is the difference between Kendal Jamaica and Santa Cruz Jamaica?

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Kendal and Santa Cruz are two distinct regions in Jamaica. Kendal is located in the parish of Manchester, known for its agriculture and beautiful landscapes. Santa Cruz is a town in the parish of St. Elizabeth, famous for its historic sites and vibrant community life. Each offers unique experiences and attractions for visitors to enjoy.

What did the 13th amendment do for blacks?

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The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States, providing freedom to black individuals who were previously enslaved. It legally ended involuntary servitude and laid the foundation for civil rights movements that sought to secure equal rights and protections for black Americans.

Where was slavery first discovered?

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Slavery has been practiced in various forms and locations throughout history, but one of the earliest known instances was in ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) around 18th century BC. In this region, slavery was a common practice in society, with slaves often used for labor and as a form of social status.