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Pets for People with Allergies

By: TerrificPets Editors

Of the millions of people across the country, approximately fifteen percent are allergic to animals, namely dogs and cats. Even so, many of these people with allergies chose to get a dog or cat, replace one after it died or keep the pet they already had although advised by their physician to give the animal up. Many people feel that allergies to their pets are a minor inconvenience compared to the joy and companionship of owning one. If you are considering getting a dog, but suffer from a pet allergy, become as knowledgeable about allergies as possible and learn about practical ways to manage your allergies so you can experience of pleasure of having a dog.…

Puppies Available Now!

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Piedmont, MO

German Shepherd Dog

Boxer Content
Life Span: 9-11 years, though some have lived to be 13.
Litter Size: 3 to 8 puppies is common with the average being 6.
Group: Working, Utility, Guardian Dogs, Working Dogs.
Color: The under-colour should be tan or brindle (a mixture of brown with a sort of marbling), though the tan colour may actually occur anywhere along a continuum of brown-ish colours.
Hair Length: Short
Size: Large
Shedding: Moderate Shed
Male Height: 23 to 25 inches (57 - 63cm)
Male Weight: 60 to 70 pounds (27 - 32kg)
Female Height: 21 to 23.5 inches (53 - 60cm).
Female Weight: 55 to 65 pounds (25 and 29kg).
Living Area: Boxers happily adapt to home life, though keeping them in an apartment is not advised. They are rather large for a mid-sized dog and seem to simply take up more than their fair share of space. Since Boxers also tend to be rather active, they are often running around the house.

About this Breed

This popular breed of dog is mid-sized, with a very square jaw and naturally floppy ears that are very often surgically altered to make them stand up. They are a naturally very intelligent breed with a characteristic short nose and slight under-bite. They have long, muscular legs and deep chests for resonant barking They are very good with children and very trainable. Though they have a reputation for being strong willed, this is usually a result of owners who were too indulgent when they were puppies. Boxers have been used for running animals to the ground and holding them there until their masters arrive with a gun to dispatch the creature that isn't a dog. Their ancestors once were trained upon bears (just like Pit Bulls or Staffordshire Terriers), and Boxers can take on deer or pigs. Today they rarely are used for such hunting adventures. Instead they are used as police dogs as well as service, guide and therapy functions. They can be easily trained to be good with people if socialized well as early in life as possible. They are always brown or brindle with white and black markings. Dark markings are very likely around the face and eyes. Some dogs are born with an over abundance of white markings that are often accompanied by deafness. As a breed, Boxers are very loyal and fun loving dogs with a generally calm nature after they mature at about two or three years. Boxers are very loving with their families and will fiercely defend them from theft or attack. Their loyalty extends to other animal members of the family, dog or other pet. As such, Boxers are now among the most popular breeds in the United States. Because there are so many dogs being bred to keep up with the demand, the breed now has quite a few disorders that they are particularly prone to. These include specific cancers, hip dysplasia, bloat as well as diet related allergies. It's best to have a large yard with a stout fence for containing your Boxer. They are very capable hunting dogs that are bred to get the job done.
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