
AI-Powered Smart Testing and Change Intelligence

All-in-One Testing Platform – combining Impact Analysis, Test Management, and Automation to ensure seamless operations with minimized risk across your Enterprise Business applications.


Trusted by 3,000+ brands:

Introducing change intelligence

With Change Intelligence, ERP Managers and CRM Admins see the potential change reaction of every upgrade, update or added feature. They know exactly what might break, what to fix and what to test — and even get accurate turn-by-turn directions to navigate any change, big or small.

Stay Two Steps
Ahead of Change

Preview how every potential change will play out across your entire ERP and CRM, so you’ll make sure that one incorrectly formatted field won’t take down your entire global system

Test Smarter,
Release Sooner

Fix, Test, Deploy. With precise, risk-based test management, your teams see exactly what to fix, how to fix it, and what to test. That way, you release higher quality software in a fraction of the time and budget.


Panaya is your trusted partner for change. From planning, to scoping, to testing, all the way to deployment, Panaya’s sea of data and advanced ML algorithms guide you through the entire change journey as it happens. With Change Intelligence, innovation becomes second nature, so you change fearlessly today and far into the future.

  • Stay Two Steps Ahead of Change
  • Test Smarter, Release Sooner
  • Change-by-Change Navigation

Preview how every potential change will play out across your entire ERP and CRM, so you’ll make sure that one incorrectly formatted field won’t take down your entire global system

Fix, Test, Deploy. With precise, risk-based test management, your teams see exactly what to fix, how to fix it, and what to test. That way, you release higher quality software in a fraction of the time and budget.

Panaya is your trusted partner for change. From planning, to scoping, to testing, all the way to deployment, Panaya’s sea of data and advanced ML algorithms guide you through the entire change journey as it happens. With Change Intelligence, innovation becomes second nature, so you change fearlessly today and far into the future.

Recognized Leader by

G2 - Spring 2024 - Leader Enterprise
G2 - Spring 2024 - Best Relationship
G2 - Spring 2024 - High Performer

“Panaya: Next level tool for SAP’s impact analysis and efficient collaborative testing”

“The best testing journey experience ever”

“Very good tool and User Friendly”

“Inspiring tool for project management excellence”

“Panaya is the perfect tool!”

Hear From Our customers

“What we liked most about Panaya is that it allows us to do more projects in half the time”

Albert Lopez Garcia

SAP IT Manager, Respol

“Panaya reduces the risk tremendously. It’s quick & easy.”

Susan Foster

ERP Cross Service – Testing coordinator, ABB

“With Panaya It’s like moving from telegraph to a smartphone”

Sébastien Hebert

Global Technical Director, Shiseido

“Panaya is a huge accelerator that removes a lot of the burden”

Lieve IX

Business Analyst Customer Engagement, Terumo
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