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Northwest Harvest
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Growing Food Justice Through Collective Action

It takes more than food to end hunger

Northwest Harvest supports a statewide network of over 400 food banks, meal programs, and high-need schools. Focused on improving equity in our food system, Northwest Harvest believes that food should be available, accessible, adequate, and appropriate to all people.


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The Latest from Northwest Harvest

Advocacy Alert: Tell Congress to Protect SNAP!

This week, Congress will be taking steps to fast track tax cuts that are tilted to help the wealthiest at…

Seattle Times: Can’t keep up with Seattle-area rising food prices? You’re not alone

Thirty-year-old Janell Braxton usually finds a way to stretch her food budget just enough to get by each week. But…

Yakima Herald-Republic: More people are using Northwest Harvest’s community market in Yakima

Thousands of Yakima residents have accessed food and other resources at Northwest Harvest’s Fruitvale Community Market since it opened a…

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