Beluga whale guide: Where they live, what they eat, how big they are - and why they're called beluga and what it means.

Learn all about their unique adaptations and social behaviours in this expert guide from Whale and Dolpin Conservation.

Brand-new dinosaur species discovered in fossilised Zimbabwean rocks

A new dinosaur species has been discovered in fossilised rocks on the shoreline of Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe

Haunting deep-sea fish with deadly bioluminescent lure washes up on a beach in Oregon 

The alien-like football fish is so rarely seen that only 31 of them have ever been recorded.

Watch this incredible rare video of an octopus changing colour on a Welsh beach

Beachgoers record footage of a curled octopus turning from white to bright orange.

What's the prickliest plant in the world? You definitely don't want to get too close to these thorny, devilish species

Stuart Blackman takes a look at the contenders for the prickliest plant in the world

Loch Ness Monster hunt hots up as NASA is urged to join the search

Scotland’s Loch Ness Centre has asked the US space agency to join a four-day quest to find the elusive monster.

How do insects survive downpours?

Entomologist Richard Jones reveals an insect's survival strategy for wet weather

Bizarre prehistoric animal that was 'half-platypus, half-echidna' discovered in Australia

Scientists have nicknamed the new species 'echidnapus' and say the egg-laying mammal lived in Australia around 100 million years ago.

How do trees and plants know when it's spring? It's all thanks to a protein...

When do plants and trees know when to blossom? We take a look


How to identify wildlife


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