Heart for Liberia Appeal

ACN has forged a special relationship with the Church in Liberia and is committed to supporting urgent projects over the next two years. ACN UK is working together with the bishops, priests and Sisters in Liberia to make sure that they have everything they need to minister to their growing congregations.

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Break the Silence aims to give a voice to the individuals who have suffered for their Christian faith and to those advocating for them.

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  • NIGERIA: Church ‘always full’ two years after massacre despite lack of justice

    Two years on, terrorists suspected of murdering more than 40 worshippers during Pentecost Sunday Mass in south-west Nigeria still have not been charged, but parishioners’ faith is stronger than ever, say local sources. Father Michael Abugan – parish priest at St Francis Xavier’s Catholic Church, Owo where the massacre took place – told Catholic charity […]

    Margaret Attah and her husband Dominic Attah at St George’s Cathedral, Southwark during last year’s #RedWednesday Mass. (© Marcin Mazur)
  • PAKISTAN: International community must act to stop abuse of blasphemy law – bishop

    A leading Catholic bishop has made an impassioned plea calling on world powers to come together and demand that the Pakistan authorities act to protect the lives of persecuted minority faith groups under increasing threat from flagrant misuse of the country’s notorious blasphemy laws. Bishop Samson Shukardin, President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Pakistan, […]

    Bishop Samson Shukardin of Hyderabad.

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  • Benefactors Day Livestream Mass

    To celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart and as a sign of our gratitude to you, our wonderful benefactors, for all that you do for us, the Holy Mass for your intentions will be livestreamed from Farm Street Church, Mayfair. Please join the livestream here.

  • ACN Pilgrim Paths

    Join ACN and travel the pilgrim paths of the early church in Durham, Lindisfarne, Escomb, Ruthwell and Jarrow with Saints Cuthbert and Bede. This Aid to the Church in Need pilgrimage will include reflections on the persecuted Church of today and look into the history of the early church led by our historian Suze Matthews […]

    ACN Central Pilgrimage Booklet

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