- The Washington Times - Wednesday, November 18, 2009

John Coale, the well-known trial lawyer, political go-to guy and better half of Fox News host Greta Van Susteren, is sporting a newly svelte figure that caught our eye Monday night.

What’s his weight-loss secret?

“The Hillary diet,” Mr. Coale explained proudly, referring to his longtime pal Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The secretary of state encouraged him to see Dr. Roy Heron, whose practices in Reston and Alexandria helped her brother lose “sixty pounds in a matter of months.” (Mr. Coale declined to reveal which Rodham brother - Tony or Hugh - dropped the weight.)

“Hillary is not on a diet,” Mr. Coale was quick to point out. “She looks great. She doesn’t need it.”

Mr. Coale recalled being urged by the then-presidential candidate during her 2008 campaign, to which he was a close adviser, to shed some pounds for the sake of his health.

“She’d pull me aside, but I didn’t do anything until I saw her brother at a Clinton family event and noticed all the weight he’d lost. I’d been on every diet known to man.”

Since late August, Mr. Coale told us, he’s down 50 pounds and has another “10 to 15” to go to reach his goal.

“I’m eating very healthy, all organic, no red meat, lots of salads, but I get really expensive balsamic vinegar to put on the salads,” he explained.

That’s not the only thing that gets expensive. “I’m blowing through clothes,” Mr. Coale fretted. “I have to go to Filene’s Basement all the time to get blue blazers at over $200 a clip.”

Nothing wrong with helping your heart and the economy at the same time.

Mr. Coale, Miss Van Susteren and other bigwigs from politics, business and media gathered at the National Portrait Gallery for a pre-reception and screening of “Ten9eight: Shoot for the Moon,” a documentary from director Mary Mazzio about inner-city youngsters turning into viable entrepreneurs thanks to a contest run by the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship.

Spotted: the Brunswick Group’s Hilary Rosen, CNN correspondent Jessica Yellin, “The Pursuit of Happyness” author Chris Gardner, VISA CEO Joseph W. Saunders.

In like Lynn

Among the notable Washingtonians making a cameo in “Ten9eight” is former AOL executive and philanthropist Jimmy Lynn, a fixture on the social scene thanks to his deep ties with athletes and sports organizations.

In the flick, Mr. Lynn introduces one of the youngsters, Tatyana Blackwell, to the Washington Redskins Cheerleaders in an effort to promote her fledgling uniform-design business, Just Cheer.

“You can be a champ, just like the Washington Redskins,” Mr. Lynn reminds Miss Blackwell in the film (clearly taped before the Skins’ recent losing streak), prompting the screening crowd to roar with sardonic laughter.

“Well, they were winning then,” Mr. Lynn explained to us at the screening’s after-party at the Hotel Monaco.

Mr. Lynn apparently has taken a shine to the big screen, and vice versa, as he told us he may be featured in the upcoming “Real World DC” on MTV.

“Real World” producers filmed an hourlong meeting between him and cast member Tyrell Ruff, a sports enthusiast from Baltimore, in which the two discussed Mr. Ruff’s career objectives.

According to Mr. Lynn, his new protege ended up landing an internship with the Washington Capitals, which will be chronicled on the show.

Sightings and such

We saw bloggers Matt Yglesias and Ezra Klein having drinks at the popular D.C. dining spot Oyamel with the restaurant’s owner and celebrity chef, Jose Andres. We couldn’t help but wonder what brought the three together.

According to Mr. Yglesias, Mr. Andres hosted a dinner earlier in the evening with Ezekiel “Zeke” Emanuel, special adviser for health policy to Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag, that the two “cewebrities” attended.

Mr. Emanuel is, of course, also older brother to President Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

To contact Stephanie Green or Elizabeth Glover, e-mail undercover@washingtontimes.com.

• Stephanie Green and Elizabeth Glover can be reached at undercover@washingtontimes.com.

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